Funny post on the blublog...
I just heard that 350 people tuned in from all over the world to hear my "Creating Freedom" talk yesterday and Pictage recorded it and put it up so if you missed it check it out! Thanks Pictage! This is awesome!
CLICK HERE! to access the presentation from Pictage Events. So cool!
Rock on!
Niiiice! You rock, DJ! Glad to hear everything went well and people are responding positively to Creating Freedom! :)
for some reason, it's not the right format for my mac : (
oh yea... no love for intel Mac's yet but it should work on other Macs :)
The hottest photographer... that's not a bad title...
To bad that whole hottest photographer thing isn't quite true...
Have you seen my husband?!? mmm.... hot!
miss ya!
What program to open on non-Intel (aka G5) Mac? Not sure what the wrf format is. Muchas Gracias!
oh no! i guess i'll just be patient : ) and do some other cool thing, like maybe osp rant a bit about it ;) naw, jk. i'll make a slideshow or something <3 K.
WOOHOO!!!! I still get to listen and watch the webinar!! Thanks DJ!! u ROCK!! haha and i got mentioned too haha. Im a strong believer of your dad's theory of success.
Oh, please please leave up this link. I gotta listen to it. I couldn't join in with you.
Thanks pictage for recording this!!!
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