Great job Kristin! Thanks for all you do for me and sorry I don't talk much when you're here and I always leave and go shopping...and speaking of shopping - I got the coolest stuff this weekend at Z Gallery. I got this pot thing for my bedroom and it took me about 30 minutes to figure out what kind of branches to put in it but I think these work

...and then I also got this little droor thing to set my keys and wallet on when I come inside because if I don't put them in the same spot I'll lose them...and I also got a blanket rack but I didn't take a picture of it.

Dear Silent Shopper:
Please convey the following to Kristin: really gorgeous shot!
Can't wait to work with her next week at Partnercon -- where she can count on us to TALK HER EAR OFF :)
Z Gallery ROCKS!!!!!!!
Sweet stuff!!
And REALLY awesome picture! :)
Those decorations are seriously awesome!!!!!
Wow, a great photographer with good taste in interior decorating. I'm impressed.
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