I had a Blackberry 7105 for awhile and loved it and then tried the MDA and wasn't happy with it so then went back to the 7105 and then the Pearl came out and I'm super stoked on it so far...but JT was right in that it won't sync with Mac so I had to bust out my old PC and sync my old phone with it and then sync my new one with it so I could see who was calling...and I just noticed that a lot of my friends called today but I didn't know it was you so I didn't answer but now I know.
...and anyway this week is one of those "DJ goes in the cave" sorta weeks because for the past couple of months I've done a lot of talking and so I'm just gonna shutup for a while. I don't really like to talk that much anyway but it's fun to listen and ya learn way more when you listen anyway.
I'm gonna be leaving on Friday for another 10 days or so. I have a wedding in Chicago and then in Seattle so it's gonna be fun to fly again - NOT! (I'm scared of flying if you didn't know) and I'm so glad that Verizon finally came out with the new express cards becasue I paid a fortune for internet at the hotels on the tour and now I don't have to do that anymore! Sweet!
I've been enjoying going to bed early too. I really don't have much to do because all I'm doing now is shooting weddings every weekend. I read a lot today and walked around downtown some and I'm glad I have a lot of good books to read right now.
I'll post again tomorrow.
Im glade to hear your relaxing, finally. I was just thinking that you must have a hard time parking where you live! I work across the street from you at the Labero building and parking is a PAIN!Ralphs has been my spot of choice to park, its an down town secret. They never check who's parking there!
Wahoooo...... I get to talk more:P
Yayyy, go introverted DJ :) I'm kind of jealous of your ability to be in a "cave"...have fun w/ the upcoming shoots!
I told you so!
I'm going to get one as soon as they support it to be used as a modem as well. That way I don't even have to get the Verizon card.
Blackberry Pearl and iPod Movies all on one day!
Yeah, DJ, listen to Amy! ;)
Yeah!! So great that you're finally getting to rest!!! I don't know how much of that you'll get here!! LOL!
Love you!
Cool phone... Man I couldn't believe how fast the new phone came up.. US still a little bit behind from Asia though, but they are getting better on bringing coolest phone.. :)
Won't sync with a mac? bugger. may have to wait for the iPhone.
The Pearl looks pretty hot... But I'm looking forward to this...
Only $300,000! :)
I want the white pearl... that thing is nuts!!!
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