So last night Shelly dragged me up to the top of the Space Needle and I must admit I was a little bit scared looking straight down 500 feet but it was a lot of fun and if you're ever in Seattle you should totally go. The dinner was great and it's an incredible view of the city.
Click to see this way bigger.

Here are some cool pics I snuck off of Shelly's blog.

...and I'm really excited about the webinars tomorrow. I think I have some things to share that can really make a big impact and create more freedom in people's lives. I know these things have done a lot to free me up and I haven't heard from a lot of you lately so I think people must just be getting bogged down in the wedding season.
I have to say goodbye to Seattle now and a super big thanks to Gary Fong and Missy for letting us crash at their stellar pad. Wow! I picked up some shampoo and other misc. items for you. haha. :)
Hi David,
Where is the webinar?
cool - there's info a few posts down on how to sign up. :)
Ah how I miss the Northwest!! Now you understand why I loved Gonzaga so much!!! So glad you had fun...and that Shelly got you over your 'heights' problem :)
PS: ah az dates stat!!
AWESOME PANAROMICS DJ!!! Looking forward to the webinar, it'll be at 4am in the morning where i am =)
Yea Edwin that's awesome!
...and Shannon I can't wait till AZ! I'm so excited. I was looking at flights but I might come straight from my wedding in SD instead of coming back to SB. That way I'd be out there for longer too! Yea!
YAH! Of course I am going to do a little PR for you on my ever so snazzy blog! Seriously! The shoot was awesome..and I got some great perks out of it, i'll tell you all about it.
PS: Coming straight to AZ instead of going home to SB=the smartest idea from DJ yet!!
ah PS: are you coming home for turkey day??
Those are sweet pics!
So how is this webinar going to work? Are each of them live or recorded? And is there a Q&A afterwards or during?
Can't wait!! We're having a DJ party here at the office this evening. A bunch of girls all huddled around the screen drooling, giggling and taking notes.... it's going to be a real shindig! LOL
DJ - Great listening to you on the webinar. Being based here in the UK we don't get the chance to meet you while you are touring round the US. So it was fantastic having the chance to listen to you for an hour. Not so sure about the phone bill though!!!
Long distance call to the US for 1 hour- Ouch! But worth it.
Got a great reading list for the next couple of months as well.
Phil :)
Hey DJ, was great meeting you on Monday evening. So going up the elevator in the needle wasn't that bad, right? :) Thanks for visiting us here in Seattle, come back again soon!
Hey DJ! Great web conference today. Random, that was my question you answered at the end. Thanks for your sharing heart! Us videographers learn a lot from you too! Looking forward to meeting the infamous David Jay at OSP South.
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