This morning FOUR of my good friends forwarded this email from this person Rohit Chander - rohitstudios@gmail.com - who is asking everyone for a password to Showit Web. I seriously laughed because of how bold this joker is...honestly - talk about no shame. I'm not super big on security but a few months ago Todd implemented a new registration system that tells us who registered the application and how many times it's been registered so it's pretty simple to see who is sharing their codes.
What's even funnier is that now when somebody googles the name Rohit Chander or Rohitstudios.com this post will come up and they'll see it and read about it.
Good Job bro. I like the way you are handling this.
HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! So smart!!!! :)
Blogging rocks!!
People are funny:) That will teach him forsure:)
aww he beat me to it! haha *im kidding!*, I'll buy showit web and all the other goodies once the moolah comes in!.
Haha! The guy just contacted two other people with the same email! Looks like he's just copying and pasting until he gets one. LOL
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That is freakin hilarious!!!!
I was just about to forward the email this guy sent me when I saw this post.
Is saving a few bucks really worth destroying your integrity and your reputation?
haha! And he tried to convince sarah that he was 14!!!!
I got one of those today too! I was gonna forward it to you also DJ but had a wedding today. SAME EMAIL! DELETE!
Hey - I got one, too. I just hit the delete button like Alisha.
Hey DJ.
I just read this. Wow, it's just horrible that someone who is trying to create a business out of photography would actively pursue an illegal copyright violation like this.
You are the man for posting this up. Just goes to how you how valuable a product ShowIt Web REALLY is, when people would rather try to scam their way into a piece of software like this, instead of paying for one of the cheap alternates out there.
Keep up the good fight bud!
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