You can still get the discount and preorder by
CLICKING HERE!!! ... if you ordered before today you can watch your video here. You'll need to type in your username and password to view it at this address:
...and your username is your last name (all lowercase) and your password is your order number from your Getit store receipt - not from your paypal receipt.

Also, currently the files is 220 megs and lots of people will be downloading and watching it tonight so it might take longer than normal to download it. We're working on compressing it another way so that it's a much smaller file and we're also working on having quicktime and Windows media options as well.
oh yea...I had to enter the usernames and passwords manually for all the orders so that means two things:
1. I really love you guys because it took forever :)
2. There's a high probability for error...haha...if yours doesn't work try it a couple of times because sometimes it takes twice to register and then email me with "Vamos Registration" in the subject line....and remember that I have to enter manually so if you order in the next couple of days it might take me a little while to get your info registered. :)
So excited!!! This video is incredible!!! :)
YEA!! We still havent finished watching it..but from what you showed us I love it already!!! lol
DJ, I have been trying to buy the DVD only, but it won't let me get base the shipping address confirmation screen. Many people have been experiencing this problem as well.
Hey Jim! Sorry about that! I think I may have fixed it for you. You know it's only 10 bucks more for the video and the music right! The music rocks too! :)
Sweet! I can't wait to see the video!
Hey DJ, Just started watching the vid on the Flash player - awesome mate - thanks for uploading it! Hey is there any way to actually d/l this so I can watch it offline?
Still broke! :-(
I just added the new registration codes from the orders this morning so ya'll should be rocking and I'm going to try and add a download link on the site later today. :) Rock on!
Cool - Jim just grab the one with the music and I'll refund ya the extra $$$
You rock dude!
Got the logon info...but I can't watch from work PC. DOH! Anxiously awaiting the download version. :)
Hmm..I don't think mine is working yet.
Finally got to see it...left work early...he-he-he. That was amazing! What a beautiful place and an awesome job you did DJ. I have to admit that I really enjoyed the "foof" sound effects when you weren't using a flash; the firework explosion perfectly timed to a Barlowgirl scream; but my favorite part was watching the plant behind you grow while your stubble never changed! LOL
Sorry JT - you should be rockin' now - I just forgot you for some reason - haha... :)
Dan- :) I'm glad you liked it! That's funny - I guess it does sound like foof of light huh!
Add me DJ -- add me!!!!
OK - sweet! Everyone who has ordered should be good to go. Sorry I fell behind but we kinda had a rush of orders tonight. Should be all good now though
GREAT!! I watched half of it yesterday but when I came to watch it again today I couldn't get past the log in page, it doesn't recognise my details. Help!! When will we be able to actually download the file?
DJ, can you have a look at my authorisation, tried again on a different machine, still can't get it. Thanks Carl
We did have a database upgrade on the server last night and it looks like it was happening just the time you were online but the passwords should be working and I'll get the download link ready today.
Thanks DJ, appreciate it.
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