here in this picture Amber and Shannon might claim to be sad about a puppy that we saw after dinner but deep down I know they were really just sad that I had to leave.

The reason I didn't post these AZ pictures sooner is because I had to buzz out to Chicago for a surprise birthday party for Sarah Barlow! It was such an amazing day once I got over being beaten by everybody at Kingball. I love the Barlows and they always bless me and pray for me and Pastor Barlow has been mentoring me in lots of ways and I'm really lucky to have them in my life.
Anyway, I got an early flight home today because Amber Holritz is in town from Tennessee!!! I'm so excited to see her because she always makes fun of me just like my new asst Megan does. I don't know why but I like it when people make fun of me. It makes me feel good.

Ok...I'm just passing through San Franicso now and I'm so lucky that I'm loyal to one airline otherwise I'd miss all my flights! This morning I got to O'hare at 9:15 which is when my flight started boarding and O'hare is a super busy airport but I was able to get to my gate in less than 10 minutes because I don't have to wait in any lines. I've flown 67,000 miles on United in the last 5 months so that averages almost 500 miles per day that I've flown and so because of that the airline has a special line for check-in and to go straight through security. With United you only have to fly 25,000 miles a year to get those special priviledges and other airlines are the same but definitely pick your airline and stick to it! There are tons of other perks too - I fly first or business class for almost every flight and don't spend hardly an extra to do it because I'm loyal to them.
oh don't kid yourself..sad about you leaving. what!
..... :( tear!
its also because you show some love to those overworked airport clerks. and your funny drivers license pic :)
Oh DJ! You left your purse here!
Oh man!! Yesterday was so awesome!!!! Thank you soooo much!!!
I really enjoyed talking this morning too:) We're so blessed to have you in our lives also!
purse? what is this about a purse?
hey!! It was really nice to meet you yesturday!! I'm so gald you could come out here for Sarah's party!!
Ps. My pink purse really looked nice w/ ur outfit! lol
well i was even more sad that my car was trapped in the valet lot and you wanted to just leave me there on the street! lucky for me shannon was your ride...thanks shannon ;)
My purse! Ahhh!!!..are my sunglasses in it! I think I left those in the van...I'm so dumb.
Debbie! Great to meet you too and remind me not to have my kids taking driving lessons from the same instructor that you and Sarah had! LOL...
Amber - there were so many nice people around walking your dogs so I knew you'd be safe! :)
Haha!! Yep!!!
I'll get it right out to you! :)
WHAT!!?!?! hehe! ...well actually I think Jake taught us how to drive..LOL!
well i guess as long as i didnt have left overs i could have survived! i TOTALLY should have taken that puppy home :( and you should check your myspace.
Hey I didnt think my driving was too bad! lol. I'm just a little crazy sometimes when i'm excited!! Hope i didnt scary you!
We all had a really bad day today because you were gone..You should just move here!LOL
Hope your time with Amber and everyone was fun!!
Hey DJ! I know that picture of us is s'posed to be sad, but seeing it on here made me smile! I'll be sure to make fun of you more often just to...boost your self-esteem?? Now I'm relieved to have been the other driver instead of riding in Debbie's car!
It's funny that I just met you but already miss you! I'm so weird!!
Amber thank goodness JT and I have such skills to make a table out of leftovers to help you sort out the insides of your purse. I had no idea you could fit so much in that little thing! I thought we all did good! While DJ is waiting in anticipation to leave you on the street with the poor puppy and lovely street corner boys! Even though he did make a good point, that the boys could have saved the puppy from an alley! positive thinker that DJ.
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