So I really shouldn't take credit for the Italians winning the World Cup but I must say that every country we've been in during our trip has won their matches and last night was no different. :) It was madness and be sure to checkout this little video that I shot on my point and shoot and look for even better shots coming soon from Brett! :)
Very Cool! We were thinking about ya when they pulled off the win! What a game, right?!?!
Miss you!
See you soon?
Yeah!! As I said...You guys must be cheering really good or something!! WOW! They sure know how to celebrate! It was almost starting to look like a war scene there! lol!
WOW DJ, ver cool. I was in Italy during the 98 World Cup and had a great moment occur. We were on top of Micheal Angelo piazza in Florence as Italy was playing. Then all of a sudden, the whole city yelled "GOOOOOOOOL" at the same time, it was freaking unbelieveable. Had I known you were such a good luck charm, I would have invited to Mexico when their game against Argentina. Wait a minute, were you in Argentina like 3 weeks a go? Nevermind.
that was so beautiful!
were you the dude with his shirt off waving the flag by the fireworks?? so hot!
lets grab dinner thurs!! cant wait :)
DJ how hilarious is this? Between your BLOG and mine we've got it covered!
I did a video clip of the action here in Paris - so funny!
I love these people... it brings memories when we (Argentina) won the world cup in 86, I was 14 and I remember that day as if it was yesterday. I have Italian blood so I was very happy they won.
Great video... I hope you didn't get hit by one of those scooters!
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