I'm back at O'hare waiting and hoping to get on an earlier flight to Detroit because after the
48 cancelled flights from United alone they weren't able to confirm me on a flight until 7:15 tonight. I am first on the waitlist today though so it looks good.
I owe a huge thank you to the wonderful Barlow family for driving out to save their stranded adopted child. Thank you thank you thank you!
...and for putting me up in the recently redecorated "Olivia Suite" and it was wonderful! I love you guys!
Aww! Haha! It was so great having you!! We miss you already:)
I hope you get that flight!!
wow I wish david jay dropped in on me multiple times in a week :-)
I saw this one coming and after a flat out run caught a flight before the onset hit out of o'hare yesterday. Boy am I glad, KK is great!
I hope you make it to your wedding man!
Nice! you Barlows should advertise:
"The Olivia Suite - available to strandad and weary wedding photographers just trying to make it thru O'Hare"
wow they redecorated the Olivia Suite just for you! lol thats cute! although her bed is kinda small and idk how u fit on it!
Yeah, I've heard that the Barlows have hosted you so much that they have gotten into the habit of setting an extra place at the table for each meal. And they are buying an extra 4 dozen egss each week just for DJ Barlow...
Egss...eggs...you know what I'm talking 'bout...
Make sure you don't forget your stuffed bunnies on the bed... like you forgot your sunglasses!
Okay... so maybe I'm the only one in America that doesn't know this... why so many cancelled flights? What's the deal with the whole July / O'Hare combination?
P.S. I can't read the letters on the word verification below... why do they make these tests so hard?
I'm thinking of moving to chicago so we can hang out more often!
Thanks everyone for all the thoughts and prayers! I'm finally here! :) Woohoo!
Haha yeah Deyl, you would probably see him more! lol
Nowdays its more of a question of "when is DJ going to be gone?," rather then "when is DJ going to be here?" haha lol
Oh and by the way, DJ, we just got our order of 15 dozen eggs today, so we are ready for whatever you can bring... haha lol
haha! Sweet! I just checked my schedule and Natalie was right (of course) and I'll be back the 13th and14th so save some eggs for me!
you'll be back the 13th???????? omg!! i thought you weren't getting here till the 14th? but the thirteenth is a better time to come in anyways;) we'll definately save some eggs for you:)
silly people..we dont make Dj sleep in a little girls pink bed...he slept on the one across from hers:) but i guess hers is a lot cuter:)
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