Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It's just the beginning!

I always think of everything as the beginning because beginnings are exciting and happy. Whenever we "finish" something it means we are starting something else and so I like to focus on that side of the coin!

I can't even begin to share what a rush this tour has been! I have so much to post but I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all of you who came out and shared this adventure with us!

All of you are already changing this industry!

Keep up the "Five Minutes to Freedom" and remember Carnegie's incredibly wise words.

"You'll go further in two months by becoming genuinly interested in just two other people than you will in two years of trying to get others interested in you."

Pick out two people to invest in until the end of the year! I guarantee you won't regret it and again thank you thank you thank you for all your love and support! I can't wait to see all of you again soon!



Daniel J. Watkins said...

Wait...I have THREE kids!! Oh well...someone always gets the cardboard box. ;)

Lifeprints said...

You are amazing, DJ! Thanks so much for all you do. :D

Matt Dorroh said...

It was great meeting you in Atlanta and thanks for an awesome tour! I totally agree with Carnegie :)

Natalie Joy said...

Miss you!!! :)

Darrell Duggan said...

Being as smart as I am, my intention was to just see if it were even possible to come away with JUST ONE thing from the Atlanta Meet.

I think I was overwhelmed.

It was more than a technical thing, and oh-by-the-way here's some stuff you can buy. It was a mind-set; a mental goal to attain; a formula to figure out how to be better.

Thanks DJ.

cu4photos said...

DJ, I just love ya! Thanks so much for being so nice to me. ~Cindy

Deyl said...

dude, this is only the beginning :)

Anonymous said...

Hey man!
You talk about us investing in other people but man THANK YOU for investing in all of us! You took the time away from your life to invest in ours. Thank you for being such a great inspiration and a great role model!
Keep up the great work!
God bless,

Nate and Arancha Photography said...

Thank you so much for everything! It was very nice meeting you all yesterday in Nashville! and we can't wait to start working on some little changes for the business!!! Thank you so much again, the meeting was so inspiring and encouraging!

Nate and Arancha

Shannon McFarland said...

Hey DJ!!! I totally agree with Kyle. You ARE such a great inspiration & an amazing role model!!! YOU ROCK!!! Giving of yourself for 6 weeks in the US, then heading to Canada, is just incredible. I wish there was something more to say or do to show the level of gratitude, & appreciation I feel, other then "Thank you!!!" Those two words seem so inadequate in comparison to what you have given of yourself!!! However, I am unaware of an expression that compares...."OMG...THANK YOU SO FLIPPIN MUCH....A MILLION THANKS...THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU?!?!?!?! UMMM....nope, not yet, not even CLOSE, I think you get my point...LOL You are an amazing person, & what you are doing truly is so much more appreciated then you could possibly know. Have a BLAST in Canada!!! I look forward to the day that our paths cross again. Until then...

Much Love, Many Blessings, & TONS of laughs,
;) Shannon

Jeanette said...

Thank you for all you do in this industry, rock on!

Anonymous said...

Dude, thanks for being such a good friend and asking me to open for you in Atlanta- what an opportunity to encourage others and help them see how much is available to them in the industry that you didn't have when you started out 6 years ago...this is a GREAT time to be starting up!

terri said...

you all rocked this tour !! from the bus to the contests to the seminar itself .... it was all fabulous - the only part missing for us in florida was jasmine* ...... but thanks to you dj - we will get to see her in video !! hope you all come back real soon :)
thanks for all you do !

terri z

jeramy sossaman said...

thanks so much. that night in san francisco changed my life. take care and god bless.

Tira J said...

DJ and crew! I don't know where to begin either. Those words of wisdom above have already paid off. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for all the tools, resources, encouragement, and support you have provided not only myself, but hundreds if not thousands of photographers across the U.S. We are all eternally grateful to you, Jasmine, [b]ecker, Kenny, and the list goes on for the time and energy you put into the Freedom Tour. I can't wait to see how each of us is going to grow over the next year. God Bless!!!!

Steve Tout said...

Sounds like you have made some life long friends and cherished old friendships on the tour Dave! Sorry I missed it, but I hope to catch up soon.

Tyler Jorgenson said...

Those are good words sir. Good words indeed.

Gray Photography - Zach and Jody - Nashville Wedding Photography said...

Thanks again for coming and investing your own time in all of us :) Blessings!

Ginger Murray said...

Something that I do regularly is visit friends' facebook pages who I haven't talked to in awhile to see what they are up to and leave a comment. I try to know something new about each person I'm friends with on facebook (not just that we went to elementary school together or something). I do it because I genuinely care to maintain a relationship with people, no matter how deep of a relationship (since we can't be "best friends" with everyone). People are interesting to me.

It does almost always seem to be a good investment of my time because:
1) it makes me feel good to leave comments.
2) it makes the other person feel good that I'm saying hey or leaving an encouraging comment.

And SOMETIMES it even gets me a gig. For example, I was friends with this girl in high school who just became friends with me on facebook. She didn't know I was a photographer until facebook informed her:) She called me last week for a big job that a portrait job her company needed, and I am so excited!

Yada yada! K, I'll shush about Facebook now. You know I like it.

Bobby Earle said...

Awesome post. Man, I'm so glad we made it to the tour in Nashville. Such good stuff. Josh, Lindsay and I would all be in very different shoes right now if it weren't for you ;)


Cait said...

DJ, "thank you so much for coming and sharing with us" doesn't capture what I want it to, but I think you understand. I was so blessed to meet you and see - first hand - your heart for encouraging, building up, and serving others. I so appreciate your mindset and attitude towards not just photography, but life. I don't think my business will be the same. Thanks for being so humble and awesome. I hope our paths coincide again soon...
