It's super easy to use so be sure to check it out!

Be sure to get my "Latest" newsletter that I sent out this morning. There are some great discounts, videos, and info in there.
I left my power plug in pismo and the mac store was closed yesterday so I almost passed away not having my IV for so long.
Sorry I missed some of your vm's yesterday. My office line comes into my inbox on this computer and I couldn't figure out how to check it on the other computer.
Can you believe these things are 100 bucks. Gnarly.
I was reading this morning and came across a quote that I think really nails what business or work has a tendency to become - a distraction!
Work can easily become a drug that keeps us so distracted that we don't have time to confront the realities of what our life is really about. We become like one of those toy tops that you spin on the table. They spin round and round and they are moving really fast but they're not going anywhere.
In the book Brian Mahan says, "the power of the social scripts of mere success, then, is not, as it is often thought, the power of seduction; it is the power of distraction."
In my own life I've redefined the word "success" and I encourage you to adopt this new definition as well.
The tendency is to define success by how much work we have and how busy we are because these things make us feel important and hide the truth about our life, but instead I think we need to define success not by how FULL our schedule is but by how FREE our schedule is!
I spent years distracting myself and maybe some of you have as well. Maybe some of you have spent decades - it doesn't really matter because what matters is that you make the change today. That you stop distracting yourself from what you're really meant to become and you free yourself up to live a life with greater meaning and purpose.
I just got home from a wedding in pismo this weekend and it went great! I can't wait to show you guys the pictures!
I gotta sleep for a little bit though because it was a long day but I'll be up at 6:00.
I'll probably grab a few extra pictures from the reception to put in the show because it was a trip! You'll know what I mean when you see it!
Night night!
I got home late last night and I always love coming home.
I forgot to get a mug in CT so I will have to get one next time but it was so fun to come home because Carey Schumacher (barefoot memories) had sent me this fun mug! I love it! Thanks Carey!
We're just cruising through central park and they have all these remote control sailboats which looked like fun but then I was thinking it'd be more fun to take two boats and tie a string between them before you put them in the water so as you drove the two boats around the fishing string would catch the sails of the other boats and they would tip over! That'd be so fun!
I had a great wedding yesterday with Brett Austin and Justin Marantz and after a long day of work it's always important to refuel.
We're on our way to spend a few hours in NY before heading to New Jersey tonight because i'm doing a one day workshop for the professional photographer group there tomorrow.
Sorry I couldn't hang with you guys from CT but I'll try and stay for a few extra days when i'm back for Justin and Mary's wedding.
As we're driving here in CT I've noticed that there are a lot of dead people here. Cemetaries California we hide all our cemetaries but out here they seem to be kind of an attraction.
I'll post some pics from the wedding later. My coffee is getting cold.
Just landed in Chicago and read this article on the front of the business section. Looks like sometime next month itunes will start selling some non-protected music for $1.29 and then Amazon will also join the game. Prett cool! EMI is the biggest label allowing their music to be sold this way but it's only a matter of time before all labels have to follow.
My camera bag and my computer bag which also has my projector in it for this trip weighs 62.5 pounds! Gnarly!!!
Larry: Hi, my name is Larry. How may I help you?
David: Hey Larry :)
David: I just received my order and the printing on the back of the shoes is backwards
Larry: Hi David
Larry: Oh no. I am sorry to hear this
David: It is supposed to read "I AM" on the left shoe and then "FAST" on the right shoe
Larry: I would be happy to get you a label to return your shoes
Larry: That is clever!
David: It is also a lie. :)
Larry: Ok, what is your order number please?
David: not a big deal and I'd rather not have to return them and wait for new their another solution.
Larry: David, I am sorry for the error
Larry: But, you will need to return the shoes.
Larry: Let me take a look at your order!
Larry: I may be able to request a remake
David: no worries...if you could even just discount me for the custom printining I'd be happy with that
Larry: I do apologize but we don't have any policy to discount product due to errors
David: That's too bad. Seems it's more work and money and time for everyone to have to print out a new shoe...
Larry: Yes, I sure do agree
Larry: Would you like me to order a remake?
David: How long will that take?
Larry: Unfortunately same time frame.
David: ...and that's the only option you offer?
Larry: I am afraid so. I can send you a prepaid return label to return your shoes and then have NIKE iD remake them.
David: Can I use them in the meantime
Larry: As long as the shipping date was within the last 30 days
Larry: Sure
Larry: First I really have to look at your order
Larry: May I have your order number??
David: Great! I just received them today and haven't even laced them up but as long as I can use them while the others come then I am happy.
David: Sure...
Larry: Ok, coo
Larry: cool
David: Here is my number -
Larry: thans
Larry: thanks
Larry: Ok, I have requested the label.
Larry: Please allow 24 hours to receive
Larry: I have sent over the request for the remake
Larry: Please allow 4 weeks to recieve
David: Fantastic. I appreciate your time.
Larry: I am sorry about all of this
Larry: You are welcome
Larry: Anything else I can do?
David: No problem...I make plenty of mistakes myself so it's all good. That's all I needed.
Larry: I appreciate it!
Larry: Have a great night and thanks for visiting NIKE iD
We're having so much fun at the barlows but the girls would rather blog than talk to me... So i'm taking pictures of them and blogging too.
I'm just taking off on a late night flight to Chicago...I was going to come in tomorrow but then I lose the whole day traveling and I have to go find a TV to have at the Showitfast booth...I haven't had a TV in a long time but I suppose if I buy one I'll bring it home.
Anyway...I just took two Tylenol PM's and those things really knock ya out... ;) to bed...
Oh yea...if you check you can get the free update to showit web with the new embed feature which allows you to embed super easy and even works on MySpace!
...and if you prefer to read my blog in French you can now do that by clicking on the "French Translation" button on the right.
Night night.