Friday, September 19, 2008

Beautiful Toronto

I've had a blast here in Toronto! This is a really cool city. I took some pics as I walked around today. I always like the mix of old and new so I grabbed this shot downtown across the street from my hotel.

and this is a shot I took last night when I got in. I have a gorgeous view from my room and Toronto also has this massive underground mall...and I mean MASSIVE! It's 16 MILES long! Wow!

and then I caught this flock of birds cruising through the mall - j/k - they were just suspended there but kind of a cool art piece.


Vick Prizma Productions said...

this is really unacceptable DJ, u post about every single place that you pass by but u never mentioned anything about Montreal what's the problem here hummmmm!!!! I know maybe u have to comeback so u can have a better idea lol

|| davidjay || said...

lol Yea! I just got those pics from you so I'll post it up.

Montreal was awesome!

Vick Prizma Productions said...

hhehe ok cooll ur more then welcome

U Rock My freind

Dawn Gioia Photography said...

DJ- I took your advice today. I went on another photographer blog where he had a video making fun of another photographer. So, I sent him email about how wrong that was. Thank you, I feel better. I really felt bad for the photographer and something needed to be said.

Toronto Wedding&Portrait Photographer, Andreas. said...

such a tourist! lol.
good times
dude you should come shoot with me today.

Tim Co. said...

I love me some canada, toronto is beautiful but wait till you get to vancouver!! B.C. is by far the best. :-)

|| davidjay || said...

Well done Dawn! :) Keep standing up for what is right and don't be surprised if you get some push back but you are making the world a better place!

Anonymous said...

Tim - dude, I totally agree with you. B.C. rocks! In March I'll be shooting a wedding in White Rock, and can't wait to get out there again :-)