Monday, October 30, 2006
Ha Ha!
Everybody always gives me a hard time because I book my travel arrangements so last minute. So of course being that I leave for New York tomorrow night I waited until today to get a hotel and since some of my friends were staying at the W in Times Square I wanted to stay there too but last night there was no availability but today there was so I called and booked my room and I'm very excited to stay there.
I typically like the Westin better than the W if I'm gonna be working but the W is fun and the W is where I got the idea for a business card that's punched.
All hotels in NY are pricey and they have so many hotels there you'd think they wouldn't cost so much. 4 nights at the W costs almost as much as a months rent. Gnarly.
Haha! As I was posting this Missy Carl just posted below that I was gonna be sleeping in a public restroom. :P
Good Day
Then we went over and saw his awesome family and his new second home! Seriously! This thing is decked out with a flatscreen, full kitchen, 3 beds and tons of other cool stuff!
...and then!!! I came home and found my kitchen looking like this! WHOA!
Now some of you might be thinking "yea - that's a sink DJ" but ya see I haven't seen my sink in a long time because when I'm traveling a lot I tend to let the cups stack up a bit and I have PUG groups and homegroups for my church come and meet at my house and so there is usually like a ton of cups in my sink but Kristin Renee washed everything! Amazing! I was so happy.
...and now I gotta get a hotel for NY because I leave tomorrow and I heard there is some big race out there so all the running people have booked up all the rooms.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Another Year
I've been thinking a lot about how every three or four years a huge change occurs in our life...elementary school, jr. high, high school, college, marriage (for some :) and so I've noticed the urge to continue that pattern in many of my friends. Over the past year many, almost all, have left their jobs and become self employed or are thinking about it and others have gotten married.
This is an exciting time and I'm excited as well because although I haven't had a career change or been blessed with a wife my business is changing a lot. I've tried to control the weddings I shoot for the past two years and next year my goal is to hold it to 10, I have 9 now so we'll see if I can be disciplined about that. I really want to be careful about shooting too much because my relationships do suffer and I recognized that this year with only shooting 20 weddings. My time in community and fellowship with all of you was limited and that's a big priority for me. I also have learned the value of just spending time thinking because when I spend too much time doing I find myself offering less of value.
- I spent the 1st year of my career learning "how" to shoot and then shooting anything and everything because I loved it.
- I spent my 2nd hear learning "how" to get work.
- I spent my 3rd year learning "how" to handle that work.
- I spent this past year learning "how" to get free from that "work" and get back to shooting for the love of it.
So next year I'm planning to revisit those "Why" questions that I often talk about because they are the important ones. They are the questions that I believe really shape who I am and it's too easy for me to get trapped in the "How" questions and never get back to the purpose of why I'm doing what I'm doing.
I want to encourage you, no matter where you are in your business, to take some time to ask some of those "Why" questions because if you find those answers first you will find that the "How" questions get answered a lot easier.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Basketball Game
This past week has been so great. I got a lot of work done and I also got to spend a lot of time just hanging with friends and I think Gary Fong has figured out the perfect balance of work and play...Gary and Missy were in SB and you can see some fun videos on his blog
...and tonight I was on my way down to OC for a wedding tomorrow and Deyl and Paige called me up and invited me to the Clippers game and so I called up Shyla and we went to watch some basketball! It was so fun and here is a video of Shyla talking about basketball but I could tell her mind was really on the upcoming elections.
and here's a video of the highlights from the game.
...and it keeps giving me errors when I go to post.
Sorry about that.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
TSA stands for "Toothpaste Stealers of America" and it is such a hassle because I fly somewhere for one day and they take my toothpaste and so I have to go and find some when I get to wherever I am going. Then I fly home the next day and they take that tube as well so I have to go get more when I get home. I went and got a ton of little tubes to keep here at the house so at least when I get home I will always have toothpaste and I think the little tubes you can sneak by easier as well. I think 3 ounces is the biggest one you can take and these little tubes are only one ounce.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
What a Rush!
I left on Monday to head to Utah for the IPPA convention. Monday night was really cool because the Pictage PUG was meeting there so I got to see so many friends and ride on my first Harley! WOW! Jennifer Grigg ( Jumanjijuice ) took these awesome pics!
Here is Shannon Hodson giving me my first ride on a Harley!
and me and Dustin Izatt at the PUG meeting!
Me and Pepper! Oh how I love Pepper!
Then they had an auction to raise money for the IPPA group and they auctioned 3 Showit Apps and brought in over $500! How cool is that!
Then on Tuesday I had a chance to talk and show some of the latest RAW processing tips and tricks as well as give my four ways to "Get FREE" in your life. Unfortunately I couldn't stick around for long and had to be on a flight 90 minutes after my talk ended :( which was a total bummer because everyone there was incredible and I would've loved to have stayed. I flew back to shoot some engagement pics and it went great and then it was straight to the PUG group that Chris Humphreys was running. He walked everyone through his new Livebooks site! (it's not released yet) but I heard it was really cool and has some great functionality!
...and then I went to sleep and OSP GOT ATTACKED! Ahh! :) ...It's a good thing we have Matt Antonino around to ward off the powers of darkness! This is the biggest pic I have of Matt. I woke up to an email from him telling me how he had been defending OSP and I logged in to see how he had hacked the hackers! I was laughing so hard!
The hackers had cracked my password (like you see happen on MySpace all the time) and were messing around with stuff and so Matt cracked their password and started deleting their accounts! haha! Brilliant! I had the the guys at Invision Power Board check everything out and they did some cleaning up right away (within minutes actually - I was incredibly impressed at their response) so everything is back! :)
Tonight is Janey's birthday party and tomorrow I got invited to share my story at a business class up at Westmont! When I got this email I was very excited because when I dropped outta college pretty much everyone said you're gonna fail, not in those exact words, but I got a lot of pressure to go back and everyone kept saying you can't do this and you can't do that so I must admit it feels pretty good to be headed up there. that it's 4pm I guess I need to get to work. :)
Rock on and once again Long Live OSP!
Monday, October 23, 2006
Utah! IPPA
but now it's off to bed...and I'm presenting at 8:30am! YIKES! Which is actually 7:30 for me....and guess what - I'm the second speaker of the day! Ah! They start at 6:30! This is so not "hippyville" (as my brother calls Santa Barbara)
:) I'm super excited though - everyone here has been great!
2nd best thing about being on the road - roomservice!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Y Blog
I want to ask everyone out there why you have a blog?
...and if you don't - why not?
There are no right or wrong answers and I think many of us have different reasons for using blogging technology so if you had to narrow it down to the main reason why you DO have a blog or the main reason you DON'T have a blog what would that be?
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Your Words
Then on the way home I was listening to a presentation by Tony Robbins and he was talking about the same thing! ...and how we have the power to change the way we feel and the way we act and the way others feel and act simply by taking some extra time to think about the words we're using.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
"If you want to make enemies, try to change something"
Isn't that true. :) Don't we all hate change. I know I sure do. I have also learned the importance of understanding changes before wasting energy pointing out the negative affects of change and instead I choose to focus on the positives of any change I'm presented with. I also give any change time before declaring it good or bad.
I kind of chuckled this morning when people saw the 60 posts that I added with my sneaky little friend, the Blog Pirate, and I really wasn't surprised by the immediate resistance to this new feature which I think will be a great addition to OSP.
So rest assured that OSP is not going to be overrun by posts from every blog or news source in the world. Currently it's pulling from 5 sources. Colon and Becker (who post a couple of times a week), Godin (who posts daily), Google Business News (5 or 6 posts a day) and DP Review (usually a couple of posts a week).
So we're looking at very few posts a day. I added some at the beginng to give it some depth but I think we will all do ourselves a favor to wait and give changes on OSP or changes in our life a chance before immediately finding the few reasons we don't like it and working to build resistance to it.
Blog Pirate
Check this out! The Blog Pirate is so cool! I guess he goes around to blogs and grabs the info and brings it to OSP for us so we can talk about it. I think this is perfect because I've found blogs to be really difficult to have conversations on because they only notify the blog owner when a post is made.
The two blogs that the Blog Pirate is grabbing right now are Mike Colon's and Seth Godin. Both are great blogs. Seth Godin is marketing guru and I just read one of his books called "All Marketers are Liars" and it was incredible and now I'm reading two of his other books "The Big Moo" and "Small is the new Big" which are both awesome as well....and look what Seth says in both of them.
"When you bought this book, you also bought the right to photocopy as many pages as you like, as many times as you like, go ahead and make five hundred copies of your favorite story and send them out via interoffice mail."
Seth Godin is a master blogger and Word-of-Mouth marketer and so that's why he gives stuff away for free and that's why I buy all of his books. He's brilliant.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Liana Lehman has a special place on her site where she puts all her shows for people to enjoy and I think that's really smart because they really are fun to watch and it helps turn your website into an experience and something that's entertaining and not just informational.
...and Andy Martin just sent me this email about this slideshow! What a wonderful thing to be a part of and look how this slideshow is blessing these people and how it's also giving them a way to pass along Andy's name. :)
Rock on!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
CLICK HERE and watch!
Freaking Hilarious
CLICK HERE to see my underwear.
Monday, October 16, 2006
San Diego Wedding
It was a wonderful wedding and the bride was a friend of mine from college and sorry I don't have any dancing pics in the slideshow because the bride and the groom were the most amazing dancers and so the reception was really fun!
Also, I got to shoot with Michael Boardman and Amber Dawn! I had never met Amber before but she's a sweetheart and Michael was in my last Brooks workshop. They are great! ...and when you guys get your websites up let me know so I can post a link.
CLICK here for the slideshow!
Enjoy! I already put the slideshow up from last weekend but you'll have to wait until tomorrow to see'em. :)
35 Years
I'm so proud of them! They've taught me so much about what it takes to have an amazing marriage and they've set an example of serving and loving other people that I could never match.
I love you guys!
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
A year ago I spent a lot of time thinking about the long term plan for my business and my life and I came up with three little letters that I ask myself everytime I'm presented with a new opportunity or idea and the letters are "EMS" and they stand for Everything Must Scale.
One of the biggest problems I see in most businesses is that they don't have any ability to grow let alone scale into something increasingly more profitable for the owner.
Tim Sanders talks a lot about scalability and he says that the process of a company is "the heart and soul of a company's worth" and so we should build a process that doesn't break when it gets bigger.
How can your business get bigger without "breaking"
Happy Friday!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Good Day
I woke up really really early (click here for the video) to go out and play some golf with some cool AZ Photographers. We have Jedd Johnson, Jared Platt, Me, The infamous Gino, and Isaac Bailey.
...checkout this video of Isaac. The sun wasn't even up yet so it was kinda hard to see the ball sometimes but I think he got a hole in one on this shot. Isaac was the smartest golfer though because he decided to time the round and run the whole time so he got his exercise as well as the round of golf.
Here is a video of me approaching my perfectly placed shot. I really did mean to hit it out in the dirt close to the killer dog.
...and so after golf I came home and was really exhausted so I took a nap all day and then got up because Shannon Rice invited me to this thing called "Adore" and they are doing this series called The Art of Living. and it was so good! ..and at the beginning it was really funny because the speaker came out and said "I know some of you have had a long hard day at work" and I was like yup...and then he said I just want you to forget about your job, forget about business and then they started playing this song I couldn't believe it! I can't escape it! BarlowGirl is everywhere now. Shannon and I were laughing.
Then we met up with Hollye Schumacher for some dinner! It was a great day.
A few of us are headed to dinner tonight as well so if you are in AZ and wanna hang post up here and I'll try and make sure everyone knows where and when. :)
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
New Queensberry Site
Be sure to checkout Queensberry's new website! I love Queensberry. Their albums are gorgeous and whenever they call and leave me a message I always save it so I can listen to their accent over and over again. They are wonderful!
Get your Music!
Everyone wants a legal solution for music use on their websites and slideshows and we are almost there - we just need to know what music you want!
So if you have music that you like and have been using or are hoping to use post it up here and we'll get cranking on it! We are planning to present a list to the publishers tomorrow and we have already collected lots of songs but post up anything and everything you would wish for!
Post up:
Name of the artist
Name of the song
...and post FAST so your songs can be submitted and approved in the first round and you can use it on Showit Web DVD's for your clients this Christmas (shhhh...don't tell Todd that I told you it's coming soon) lol
I Agree :)
OSP really is a family, a BIG one, lol...and it's so incredible to see so many people stick together through thick and thin and grow together sharing their businesses and their lives.
Monday, October 09, 2006
San Diego Weekend w/ KT
On Saturday we went and hit golf balls in the morning which was so fun.
...then we went and walked along the water and there were so many weddings going on. I think we saw five weddings all within just a few steps of each other. I took all these pictures with my Blackberry. It has such a good camera on it.
After that we went shopping at the Apple store and I just installed Aperture 1.5 to test it out and see how it compares to Bridge and Lightroom...and then we saw the movie the Guardian which was really good. I thought I was gonna cry but I didn't but it was really good.
....and then yesterday I shot a super fun wedding for a friend from college and I'll put a slidshow up later because now I'm taking a little road trip! I'm headed home for the week! I'm so excited! I haven't seen my parents forever. I'm at Borders right now picking up 3 books on CD to listen to on the way.
AZ - Here I come!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Thanks Brad!
Sorry this is off topic, but for all you Barlow Girl fans out there, there is a FREE, LIVE concert webstream of their CityFest Houston performance today! To access, go to and click on the "Watch CityFest Live!" link. Barlow Girl is scheduled to play at 5:55pm central time today (Sunday). Also, Wynonna Judd performs at 6:50pm, and Chris Tomlin tops off the evening at 8:50pm. Hope you enjoy!
-Brad Person
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Mac stuff some toys...looking forward to playing a bit in az next week. I'll let you guys know what I find out. Sweet.
Found it!
So I'm down in San Diego hanging with my friend Katie and she has the book of answers and it's great!
Ask us a question and we will open the book and find an answer for you.
OH yea...sorry I didn't post this earlier but there are rules for the questions and for using the Book of Answers so please click on this picture and read the rules otherwise we won't be able to properly answer the questions. We will do our best to reword the questions already asked though.
Anyway, I love seeing how far of a reach you can have through the internet and so ClusterMaps are fun because they show you where people are hitting your website from.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Blu Interview
...and I did a fun interview for the BluDomain Blog so be sure to check it out and thanks to those of you that told Kailee about me. She was so funny and asked me a few personal questions which was nice because I seldom talk about my personal life.
***CLICK HERE*** to read the whole article and have a great weekend!!!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
This must be audio day or something
My First Hill Shot
I was shooting this couple down in Orange County at Coto de Caza and after their wedding I didn't really know where to take them because I don't think I had shot a wedding at a golf course before so I was stumped so I just said go up on the hill and they started dancing and I was shooting and when I looked at the pictures I was like "wow" those are cool.
...and to see some awesome pregnancy pictures of this wondeful couple checkout Chelsea Hudson's website!
I found these shots because I had to plug in the old Windows box tonight to do a little testing for something that you'll all be very happy about when it comes out but that's all I can say. bye.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
One of the authors/speakers that I respect a lot is John Maxwell. I get a monthly CD from him where he teaches on a wide range of topics. In this month's packet came an opportunity to attend one of his 4 day workshops. I thought hmmmm...I wonder how other industries charge for things like this so I checked it out...and it seems that the guys at the top of our industry like Colon and Reggie who are offering their knowledge through these workshops are doing it for a bargain!
Maxwell charges $6,500.
If you're wanting to learn from one of these guys I would do it fast because I'm guessing they'll start charging more and more.
DJ's PhotoWall
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
pictures of you
I ordered these cool wall hanging things from but I don't have a lot of pictures of everyone to hang on them so if you will email me a picture of you to pictures [at] I'll print them out and hang them up!
The picture on there is of me and Tim in Hawaii last year...don't ask any questions about it.
I'm so excited to finally have pictures on my wall!
Monday, October 02, 2006
Click here to hear it
5 hours later
I'm so proud because now I'm down to only 98 left to respond to and it feels so good to be below 100.