Thursday, November 02, 2006

Live Frogger

So last night I wasn't feeling that well and so I went to sleep and woke up at noon today. I never set an alarm unless I have a flight or a meeting and so I just sleep until I'm ready to wake up and it's usually 7-8 hours but I guess last night I needed more sleep.

So now it's 1:35 and I'm just hanging out relaxing today and one of the video games I used to enjoy was Frogger...and NY is like a giant game of live Frogger and when I'm here I love to sit up in my hotel room and watch people down on the street run and stop and risk their lives to get across the street a little faster. It's a miracle that they don't die.

Also, I'm amazed at how many people grabbed the Brilliant settings! 105 in one day! Whoa! Why didn't you guys tell me you needed them. I wasn't even considering selling them until Dane Sanders told me I should because it would save people a day or two of making them on their own. I will keep adding videos to the Video Vault about how to use the different settings.

Ok...well I better go. I have some fun video from the trip in so I'll try and put that up tonight or tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

I love Frogger!...Atari was the best! What a great reminds me of the line in the movie ELF..."Watch out...the yellow ones don't stop!"
Thanks for OSP D.J. it rocks!

amynave said...

Did you workout? Maybe that's why you were feeling bad????

Anonymous said...

dude, theres a really good mojito right down the street at Rio de Janeiro's at 127 W. 43rd St.

you can get your groove on there too. i know you're a bigtime closet dancer

Anonymous said...

I was amazed at the same thing the last time I went to the city. If you walk out in front of the cars, they don't stop or slow down, they just beep. It's a different way of life, that's for sure.

Do you go get your Rolex on Canal Street? I got a Movado there for $13... The "metal" has worn off the underside, but it still works.

Hanagraphie said...

Sending you some chicken soup by osmosis! ;)

Hope you feel better today.

Anonymous said...

i *love love love* frogger. my sis and i used to play on dad's atari, but also on his gheto old school computer (i think we had the REAL floppy disk). i miss NY sometimes, i love central park as the phenomenon to what you're describing. it's so ying and yang it's not even funny. i have been in nor cal way too long. glad to know there are other people watchers out there beside me.

Anonymous said...

No wonder I didn't see you at the Expo today! Without a doubt this was the BEST expo ever for me. Denis Reggie was on a roll big time- he sure has his bounce flash technique DOWN!

Unknown said...
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Ben Dodds said...

you can't beat a good 'ole game of frogger...ah, yes you playing a great 'ole game of Oregon Trail. I bet you don't really have that experience on the streets of NYC

Unknown said...

I was one that bought it. Thanks. They are really wonderful. But your videos were equally helpful.

Good to be around someone with such inspiration and giving spirit. Thanks for all you do for all of us. I hope you know how much you are appreciated.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the work that you've put into them. I will use them to increase workflow effectiveness. have Kevin Kubota's for the same reason. Each is unique ... each helps .... each will assist in me doing up my own like cooling ones. sometimes I like to cool down the warmth of incandecent? lights at receptions.
Fabulous. Thanks. DavidA

Dane Sanders said...

Apparently you're not the only one who thinks New York streets feel a bit dangerous ... ... lol ...

Brilliant is brlliant by the way ... you rock DJ!

Anonymous said...

Hi David-
I am interested in knowing if the Brilliant settings
are universal in that they are also geared to tweaking Nikon D2x and 1x files. I know you shoot Canon, so I was curious how they work out of camera on Nikon raw files-

$49 would be worth it to save time-(and not have to create them on my own) but I wanted to know about Nikon files and Nikon users-

Have you done any side by side testing on Canon and Nikon raw files?

any feedback?
thanks alot


how do I find out my password on this blog?

Liana said...

Thanks for such an awesome last evening in NYC last night. Hope our dragging u throught the streets of NY in your tiny sweater didn't make u sicker. I should have left you my "accessories" for the rest of the trip - my bad. Ah, well I'll bring extra to TN (and a helmet) just incase. hahaha. Ps... don't forget to send some pics. See u in a few

Anonymous said...

This is such a cool site!!