So after another day of delayed and missed flights I arrived in LAX to tons of messages from friends asking if I was ok and I was like yea dude what happened and they told me about this gnarly fire happening and so instead of waiting out my flight I got a car to bring me up to SB and it's insane.
The fire is all around my house. If you are listening on the news you will hear streets like Las Alturas which is the street that my house is on and Sycamore Canyon. I took this picture from downtown to show you how the smoke has just engulfed my house.
I actually haven't even been able to go up there but Deyl and Allie grabbed all the important stuff which was about a two handfuls of stuff. I really don't have that much stuff so that's good and I talked to my friend and insurance guy Josh and he was actually up at the house guarding it and had already assigned a team to come and put fire retardent stuff all over my house so that is pretty cool.
I was really hungry so I went to McDonalds and Rob Lowe was there. It was like the only place open to eat b/c all the power is out.
Westmont is really jacked. A ton of buildings burned and I guess all the students are in the Gym which is a safe place but please keep everyone in your prayers. Some people are already injured and there are a lot of elderly that live on the Riviera and possibly can't get out as quickly.
Current Stats
800+ Acres burned
70+ houses
4 burn victims
Oh thank GOD you are ok, and that they had time to grab the important stuff... Wow. Wow...
wow.....i am oblivious to this fire thing too having been on flights all day, just got word of it myself! I hope you remain safe dude!! great to see ya!
-Tim Co.
Well, I'm glad my husband is awesome, but I am totally devasted by all of this and the Westmont damage. Hopefully the retardant works and your home stays safe:/
Tanner just called and told us about Westmont burning, we're watching it on TV...rather surreal. Praying for you and the Freedom House!
Dang man! Praying that your house stays up...
Dude...you know things are tough with the economy if Rob Lowe is working at McDonald's. :P
Seriously though...praying that the Freedom House is saved.
omg dj, can't believe how calm you are about this. wow.
oh that is scary. Hang in there DJ
This is crazy! Couldn't believe it when I saw it on the news. Praying for you all!
I am thinking about you guys up there. I am glad you are safe and hope you neighbor are able to get to safety.
Dang yo...thats some scary shiznit......please keep us updated....and you have one hell of an insurance guy....
Praying! Hope you're house is ok!
OMG DJ! So glad you guys are safe.
Stay strong and Stay focused. Nothing you can do but pray and trust! If you need anything let me know I'll help how I can! In our prayers DJ!
we've been praying...love you!
Hey DJ,
Obviously you have tons of great friends to crash with but if anyone needs an extra space, please let me know so I can bring the airstream up and drop it off today. Stoked you, Allie, Deyl and Paige and everyone are safe. Love you man.
I hope everything is ok.
Love ya dude. I hope everything works out in your favor!
Praying that things work for ya and that everything is okay. Scary!
So glad to hear you are safe.
Oh my god!! I hope your house stays safe and I will keep your neighbors in my thoughts.
Glad to hear you're safe. Hope the house stays safe, too. Sounds like you have awesome insurance people..hahah. standing guard!
Say hey to Rob Lowe. He's hot.
OMG I'm glad you're okay! I'll be saying some major prayers that your house makes it out okay too! Glad all your important stuff was saved!!
I'll bet Rob Lowe is blogging, " hey, I saw David Jay at McDonald's this morning!"
God Bless you and yours, DJ. I Google Earthed your street. I hope Freedom House is safe.
Glad your "stuff" is okay.
I was watching the palm trees above your house explode like roman candles from my front porch. We got evacuated all the way down in our neighborhood at 9:00 pm last night.
It was liking watching Dante's Inferno live!
Prayers from Atlanta, DJ!
Dude, just texted you. Even from Virginia, anything you need hombre.
Yeah, the news mentioned RL being there. Oprah too. I'll be looking for your interview on FOX News. ;-)
Sending prayers your way DJ.
Definitely praying for you and your neighbors!!
Praying everyone stays safe and the fires stay clear from your home!
thinking and praying... we are glad that you are safe though, and that deyl & allie had the chance to grab the important stuff.
I am so glad to know you guys are okay. My stomach went to knots when I saw this on the news. We are praying for you guys.
I believe I saw your house on tv this morning..saw the white mansion above and then noticed yours and three to the right of it still standing, but the rest of the ones towards the end of the culdesac look gone. Glad you are okay and that they could get up there and get some of your stuff. Let us know if you need anything!
Shelly + Taylor
DJ, me and Cait were praying for you last night and will keep you in our thoughts (and all the others in the area). So gnarly that so many people have been so affected by this. What is incredible is the banding together I've seen and heard from the community in SB and Westmont.
Thanks for all your love and support!
Shelly! Yea - that was my culdesac and at least one house at the end is gone. :(
I'm gonna try and sneak up there now and see what the story is.
I was wondering about you this morning. I'm glad things are okay!!!
Oh no! I'm sorry to hear about this DJ, stay safe- you're in our prayers.
Went through this last year in Orange County, It SUCKS! I am so sorry but you are so amazing, have such an amazing outlook and truly that is an amazing message you are sharing, prayers are with you, and everyone else up there. XXOO
Christine Bentley
Dude, glad you are safe! Praying for you :)
Truly, truly... you and all those affected are in my prayers. I pray this will all be over soon and you'll have your home to go back to. Keep us updated!
Hey DJ. Lots of prayers coming your way. Glad you all are safe. We love you!
I'm busy at work, but my parents (who live pretty close to downtown) called me about the fire last night, so I thought I'd come over here to see if you were okay. I hope your house comes through okay - your insurance guy/friend rocks.
We've been watching the progress of the fire, praying for all there on and off campus. So glad to hear that your home is safe thus far. Our continued prayers...
Brett's mom and sis
Wow DJ! I know you're ok but still dude the fire thing is pretty heavy! You guys are in my prayers!
Hope they grabbed all your cameras!
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