Monday, November 17, 2008

Just starting the craziness

Just starting the craziness, originally uploaded by davidjay13.

We are writing - shooting - editing a short film today. It's divided
into two teams and our team is so stacked I don't even think this will
be a competition. :) let the fun begin!


Anonymous said...

good luck dj, what's the competition? and who are you up against? -kk

Anonymous said...

Good luck, I am sure you will win this hands down!!!

michelle ford said...

aha!!!! this is what you guys are doing?! i've been piecing it together like a brilliant nancy drew hehehe. i LOVE it! what an awesome, inventive and highly competetive idea! can't wait to see the results. who's on your team?

Family said...

DJ - good news on the fire...check out my latest post. Cool about the film dude - and glad to hear your home is still up. Biltmore is sick!!

Jim Davis Hicks said...

let's hope it's not much of a competition! Go team Thirst Relief!

So glad your safe and your home is ok, despite the damage. Wow, crazy stuff.

If you need a place to crash it's only 20 degrees in cloudy, gloomy OHIO! Soak up some sun for us!

Carl Reid (416) 414-1414 said...

I can't wait to see the video!!! Thanks for keep us photographers inspired!!!

I'll make sure to post it when it ready on my blog.