I think our world needs to become more connected in ways that don't involve broadband lines or cell phones. We need to be present with one another. This morning I got reading a book on my Kindle that I have no idea how it got there. It's called "The Only Way to Win the Race of Life" - Maybe my dad snuck it on there but there was a great story that this teacher told.
This teacher had been studying and teaching like crazy at his school as well as speaking to huge crowds reaching hundreds of thousands of people a year and was passing on incredible things to his students as a result. But at the end of each year the graduating students were always allowed 15 seconds to thank whoever had the biggets impact in their life and year after year his name was never mentioned. He came to the realization that influence in people's life had a strong correlation with a personal investment of time. This story came as a huge smack in the face to me. I often fall into the trap of thinking more is better when reaching more people is useless if I'm not connecting with them.
Times like this make me want to unlplug and connect.

Great insights. Love it! Michael and I miss you! Hope we get to connnect with you and Allie soon!
Thanks for the great reminder, DJ. :-)
i was 27 when i finally realized that i had many acquaintances but no friends. i worked hard to correct that. my 2 best friends are miles away right now but we are each other's support. it's wonderful to see that people aren't entirely desensitized by technology. that they still know how to connect when it's needed.
Great reminder - thank you.
The book is HANDOFF and the sub-title is "The Only Way to Win the Race of Life". Great book!! I almost read it in one shot. It motivated me to develop relationships as a protege and as a mentor.
Man I am glad you are ok we will keep you in our prayer.
I have spoken with you personally and I highly recommend it to anyone. Your influence, whether personal or by broadband is hugh in photography, the wedding industry and the friendships attributed to your influence. Hope you and your family and neighbors are safe and warm together for Thanksgiving.
Great image of the gate... really reminds me what is important... and it's not material goods.
It's important to have at least a few very close friends, and to spend time with them when you can... for friendship's sake, and for OUR sake.
I get really down (usually without realizing it) if I haven't spent time with my closest friends or husband in awhile. We are social beings, and need to have relationships and make those connections. We need to feel loved, and to show others love.
Don't worry, DJ... if I had only 15 seconds I'd thank you :)
love these shots, so crazy how much fire changes things, and how it does in our lives as well.
Great images of a sad scene DJ. Hope they can recover.
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