Ok so today was the most beautiful day ever and I am so stoked because my friend
Shelly decided totally spur of the moment to come up and show me around Seattle. I get lost in big cities (and small cities too) so I'm excited to have her here. Here is another picture from the balcony. I only go out on the balcony to take pictures because it's really high up and scary to look down but if I focus on taking the pictures I don't get as scared.
Click on the picture to see it bigger.
DAVID "SOMETHING" JAY --- YOU ARE GROUNDED! You know you aren't allowed to have friends over without asking! Now go to your room and think about what you have done.
Aw honey, it's ok!
It's fun watching them on the isight webcam.
DJ -- shouldn't your "parents" be working on the Thriller dance routine????
You guys are too funny!
Wow Love the pictures DJ... It was super nice day today !!
ah crap..ya can't get away with anything these days! I'm glad I didn't have a blog when I was in high school!
Gary - if you spy in and see me naked you may never feel like a real man again???
That's too funny. All I can say is, man you guys are weird. :)
Out of control!!! hahaahahahahaha
Fong's spycam would have to have an awfully powerful zoom for that to happen ;)
Oh geez! Hahaha, how did this conversation transform?!?
Fong started it.
Shutup Deyl.
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