Yesterday I found the most amazing piece of furniture! I'm picking it up today and you'll trip out. It's so beautiful.
...also yesterday Crystal received the bookshelf and lamps from Design Within Reach and got it all setup. It was basically a giant lego set and it totally confused me but she figured it out and I love it! She thought of the idea of putting the lamp inside of it. She's artsy like that.
I feel a little bit bad about the raindeer rug but it looks really cool and the only thing this room needs now is the rest of my books, a big painting and a little shelf in the corner to put a flower on. :)
I love Cubitec shelves. We have a bunch of them. It's like a giant puzzle that holds your books. Fun to assemble and look at. Form follows function :)
that chair is so comfy. that reindeer rug might kill some of your animal karma, but you're probably still good because of the hummingbird.
thanks for setting up my room so nice ;)
A reindeer?!?! Ooooh, you're most definitely on Santa's BAD list! ;)
I thought it was a coyote rug.
I agree with Jazzy though. Santa is going to put coals in your stocking forsure!
Nice Pablo lights... I've got one of those in my office, and I love it. Three is cooler, though. :)
Bamboo floors, Pablo lights, we have similar taste. :)
I love how sparse you're leaving everything, it makes the house feel so open, inviting, and organized. Looking forward to the next room!
Crystal rocks! Your house rocks!
man you are really pimpin out your pad. I love it. by the way, what's the name of that chair? it's great!
The reindeer rug is going to attract even more animals into the place!
I think the rug might keep the other little pets away once they see thar reindeer layed out on the floor.
Corbusiean chair... I think it was the Chaise chair to be specific. Designed by Le Corbusier at the bahaus, a long time ago..Is it a Cassina authentic? Its soo sick! It comes in Cowhide too you know, to go with the Reindeer rug!
I knew that degree would come in handy some day!
Wow..what's it with you and animal skins??? haha!
Next rug you get you should actually hunt for...I'll buy you some "deer perfume" for Christmas;)
Noble grey is a really great color for that wall. Wow the house looks so much more modern now with the flooring done.
I got my wall color ideas from you Fong! I'm so thankful to have seen the ranch because you nailed it with that place.
Love your desk ;-)
My friend
You rock
dude the place is looking sweet!!!
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