Another thing that's fun is Facebook! I've been getting all sorts of crazy things on there like "Hatching gifts" .... I dunno.... I'm scared to accept things like that so I pretty much deny them unless it's a friend request from a friendly person but they make me laugh when I see them so thanks for sending them.
How fun is the LIVE video! I'm so setting up more cameras but I got busted by my friend Crystal Goss yesterday because she called and or some reason her number got deleted from my phone and so I screened it and she saw me do it! Oops...Sorry darling! :)

...and then this was even more fun! Allison sent me a picture of her and all her roomates watching the show! It's crazy to think people out there are tuning in but as soon as I get some more cameras and computers it'll be even more fun!
I'm just gonna be reading today but tune in if you want!
This 1 group invitation on your facebook I'm sure its mine invitation for Prizma lol ur so cooll man
Dude...you need to get over to Allison's house pronto.
Ok not gonna lie...it's cool but I kinda feel stalkerish!!!
Where's the other guy from yesterday? He was hot!
Thanks for the shout-out about the Spanish forum!
Hey Josh Stichter! I shot your wedding with Chris Humphreys, it was awesome! Great to see you here.
Yeah, that IS kinda weird! I'd be so afraid I'd pick my nose or something, for the whole world to see.
this video seems pretty fitting: http://youtube.com/watch?v=FBNDq14UF8M
I LOVE facebook. It's a GREAT way to stay in touch with people from the past (which just didn't happen before), as well as become friends with people you just met!
I have made a few Facebook photo albums for people to view (weddings & engagements, with the title "Ginger Murray Photography" in the title of the album) and then let's say I "tag" someone in an album, like the bride or a bridesmaid, that means that THEIR friends (or acquaintances who are facebook friends with that tagged person) can look at my photos, and then they know who took the wedding pics because of the album title. So even if they weren't invited to the wedding, it's another way they can I've booked 3 weddings this way.
Basically, people...
Get on facebook if you're not!
Hey DJ, if you want me to post on OSP forum about this I can do that too:) Or on the FC forum.
I'm starting to think you don't exist...everytime I stop by here, it's just video coverage of your chair or the window. I don't see what all the fuss is about! ;)
LOL..that's kinda trippy...were no longer called blog stalkers...now were just...stalkers..oh man, I gotta go do something else..
this is one of the coolest things ever!
That's pretty wild to watch you zoom into parts of SB "in real time."
Night-night DJ...thanks for giving us all the opportunity to tuck you in.
Next time I'm in Santa Barbara (okay, that will be the first time in Santa Barbara)...I'm stopping by to paint hundreds of tiny little stick figures on your web-cam...
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