The days were all very packed usually with interviews in the morning, demonstrations and meetings mid-day and then dinners and parties in at night. Every second was packed which is both invigorating (I actually don't really know what that word means) and exhausting. I cancelled all my plans for tonight and tomorrow so I could spend some time with my friends who all worked very hard this week as well. Also, tomorrow morning I am going to sit on the roof and look at Central Park and just be quiet and not say anything. A big part of my job involves talking so after conventions like this I need to detox.
Tomorrow night I go home. I'm very excited. For the next two months I only have one thing in the calendar. This year I wanted to start making an effort to keep my calendar clear at the end of the year. I've been needing to reprioritize things and giving up business in order to spend more time with people and have a life was difficult at first but the more I do it the more thankful and happy I am.
in addition to detoxing, remember to take your shaver up to the roof :)
stoked to hang next week!
DJ, it was awesome to meet you in person and listen in on your Adobe Lightroom workflow presentation. Enjoy the rest of New York and keep up the good work.
Enjoyed meeting you to (at the end of your pictage talk). So great to remember downtime is nuturing creative time.
Yay for detoxing! Have fun sitting on the roof and enjoying the view.
And...is it wrong of me to think that Deyl is just the funniest person ever?! ;)
Nice DJ. Glad you are geting some rest. I was getting worried because you haven't updated in past few days. :-) I must visit again during your free time in the next month or two!
So great to see you for a minute, DJ. Safe travels home, and enjoy your down-time! You deserve it!!
I hope you have a wonderful time relxing and slowing down! It was awesome meeting you!
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)
–verb (used with object), -at·ed, -at·ing.
to give vigor to; fill with life and energy; energize.
haha...just fyi! ;) congrats on the detox..great idea for staying grounded with the ones who love you!!
I'm really excited for November... in MN, everyone wants portraits done in October because of the fall colors, so it has been an absolutely INSANE month! I'm jealous of your two months of freedom! I'm looking to my month of January off.. and then next year I'll have a more relaxed calendar, since it will be my 2nd year in business (I'm sure you all remember your first year:)).
Have a fun 2 months! You deserve it!
(PS- Looking forward to the ShowIt Sites.)
driiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnngggggggggggg !!!
Hey David it's time to work !!!!
Ha ha ha !
you were afraid?
C'est bon ça !
See you ;)
DJ, what's going on bro? If I don't see you updating your blog daily, I automatically think something went wrong. Did the aliens abduct him?! J/k. Hope you are getting good rest. I am flying back from the Bahamas soon (the wedding I asked you to shoot with me before). Take care buddy.
thanks again for being so generous to my friends and I! You were pulled in SO many directions and could have easily just ignored us but you didn't! God bless you and give you a super relaxing break!
wake up!
Are you still alive??...I know those crazy fires are around you so be safe!!! :)
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