This was my favorite tradeshow thus far and a big part of it was because my buddy Frederick Van asked me to join up with Adobe and I got to do two presentations for them. The first one was a press event where they invited a dozen or so members from the photo publishing world and had myself and "The Photoshop Diva" Katrin Eismann give a demo on Lightroom. It was a new experience for me and kind of nerve racking but it went well and the next day at the Adobe booth went incredibly well!
Adobe doesn't mess around at these tradeshows and as you can see their booth is packed. It's such a great thing that they sponsor education right from the tradeshow floor so if you don't want to pay to go to the individual sessions you can go to the Adobe booth and hear tons of great info!
Me and my new friend Vatche from Prizma Productions who brought me these cool decorative masks from Lebanon. I love stuff like this because they are so beautiful and unique!

And the incredible Kristen Leigh! I just met Kristen at the show and she is such a doll. She just turned 18 and is already doing an amazing job growing her own business. See more fun pics on her blog.

Becker put me way on the outside of this wide-angle shot to try and stretch my head. He also hid my laptop at the reception and I thought someone stole it. I tried to get him back but it backfired...lol...you can ask Sarah or [b] about it.

On Friday morning I got up early for an interview with Scott Sherman who hosts The Digital Photography Show which goes out to 40,000 subscribers.
It was a lot of fun and I'll let you know when it's going to be sent out.
We talked about a bunch of different issues in the photo world both dealing with professionals and prosumers.
...and I'll leave you with a few more pics of me looking silly at the wedding and sporting my Britney Spears mic at the Adobe booth.

Looking good dude!
That's a big crowd... I bet you worked the room so well... sad I couldn't be there; next year.
nice! I think you looked even better in that dress than I did!! :)
you work is inspiring!
oh dj you're so grounded...what do amy and amber do the other 23 hours, 56 minutes of the day when they aren't busy keeping your hat size in check?
glad to hear everyone had fun. keep becker away from sarah...don't want to corrupt her toooooo much...
lets get back on the racquetball court now that you're back in town.
that will keep you humble :)
We may keep you real, but that Mac foundation is keeping your skin looking beautiful and flawless;P
Or is it Estee Lauder????
It's Estee Lauder! Shhhhhhh!
Deyl - last time we played Racquetball I felt very very proud!
Is the Freedom House safe from the fires. Know how to use the pump and fire hose before you need it.
Hey DJ it was great to finally meet you in person. Your blog makes it feel like we chat everyday.
BTW you were awesome at Adobe booth. Man I wish that lady ("that's how it looked when u shot the photo")in the front didn't win the Showit cd.
Also, I saw the poster in the Shootsac booth - man you are going all out :-D .
Haha! Pops! That fire hose wouldn't help much if the fire comes over the hill! My house is already covered in ash. It's crazy!
Thanks Syed! :) .... btw - the lady in the front row was just being funny and harassing me - she's actually super sweet and I was just playing back with her so no hard feelings.
When did u become such a rock star? :-) I'm sad I missed out!
I'm glad you had so much fun. Stay safe DJ. It is crazy in Socal right now. Larry and I are taking in all refugees as needed. You're always welcome too.
Wow, what a fun NY trip! Looks like you had a great time. MAC is way better than Estee Lauder, by the way... :)
Britney Spears! Yeah! I see the resemblance! Hahahahaha!
- N
You rock ;)
love you much.
sweet mic! You're like Britney Spears... when she was cool, that is.
Nice to meet you at the Pictage booth on friday. Wish I had more time to hang out at the show!
yeah, not gonna lie... your make-up was cute... :D
haha!! Too much fun! Yeah, I definitely pretty much exploded a couple times!!
Wow...I have a nice renovated blog that looks ALOT like Becker's...hmm..lol!
Awww! I miss your face!!!!! :(
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