I held my first ever live Q&A/chat through the Freedom Club and I'm not sure if this has ever been done before! We had 113 photographers from 4 countries all tuning in including Jamaica and Puerto Rico! How awesome!
This live web streaming thing just came out and it worked great! We had 113 people on at one time this evening and it was so fun! I'm exhausted though b/c it was super hard to sort through the 100's of questions because the chat box was just exploding! Which is a good thing and I'm amped to do it again in a couple of weeks!
Thanks to everyone for tuning in! Stoked to see ya'll in a few weeks!
DJ you handled that Q&A session really well considering all the flood of questions you were getting. Hats off to you! :-)
Thanks Dj,
You did handle it all well. Larry and I were both watching and listening.
I think a picking one topic is a good way to stay on track, or taking questions ahead of time and answering them live are great solutions to keep it from getting crazy.
Great job!!!
Hahahha Busted! So I guess you were still reading ;) Too funny!
Thanks for being so generous with your knowledge DJ, it was a great session, can't wait for the next one!
I laughed out loud when I noticed the comments were all related to DJ's hotness! Hotness factor aside, this is a valuable new benefit for Freedom Club members.
DJ it was AWESOME! I agree that you might want to pick a topic and talk about it. At least for the time I watched PRICING was a hot one. Thanks for the time!
Hey Dj, now I see why you are as good as tou are. Answering questions as efficiently as you did with all the questions being thrown at you was incredible. Thanks for doing this, it helps so much especially for people in thirdworld countries like Jamaica.
Oh my goodness DJ I can't believe the section you posted, we got busted is right. ;)
I learned a lot from your chat and was able to talk to some great photogs for a while after. Maybe for the next chat sessions you can have 2 windows, one for questions and one for us to chat amongst ourselves?
DJ it was worth the membership just for the Live Q&A. You handled it great! Thanks so much for doing this. My brother was watching with me, who isn't a photographer, and he made the comment "Now that's a true artist, willing to share his knowledge with others and not keeping it to himself." Thanks for being an example for us!
What software are you using to show two cameras at the same time?
You all are great! It was so fun and I was laughing so hard when I read all your comments there at the end! You girls make me blush! Thank you.
I am so bummed I missed this, but I wound up sick in the ER, yuck!! Not I planned to spend the live Q&A. Hope to attend the next, so keep it up!! :)
This was so awesome, I really enjoyed being a part of it and it inspired me for my own business. What totally rocked is my husband totally got what you were doing and thought it was the coolest thing that you were sharing your knowledge ... THAT is COOL he says!!!! AWESOME stuff!!
I agree with Kenny... great job even though there was chaos!
I think making a couple simple rules would be helpful as well.. and then encourage people to "chat" after the discussion is over, or set up a separate chatroom somewhere, since some people were so interested in just chatting with each other).
Thanks a ton for doing that. Really generous of you, and it was lots of fun.
so im guessing if we missed it, then we just have to catch the next one...??
ooh, one technical thing I want to mention about the forum. I didn't get the email with the link to the forum until about 10 minutes after it started... It might just be my lame email system, but I'm not sure if this happened to other people as well.
i just haven't posted in a long time. hi deej. i am assuming you will not be in AZ for christmas. let me know if you need to borrow a car and not your mom's gender bender mobile.
I missed it. But I do have lots and lots of questions.
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