Here is another reason NOT to go to Starbucks. There are people like this there.
I mean are you serious dude. Let's make a list:
- He has his sunglasses on inside
- He has his monster earpiece permanently in his ear
- He has another wired earphone and brittany spears mic in his other ear
- He's on Skype in Starbucks annoying everyone.
- He has a mouse and mouse pad in Starbucks
- He was reading an email over the phone (just forward it dude)
Bluetooth earpieces worn outside the car might as well be anti-sex devices.
Wow, awkward. She clearly thinks you have cooties. : )
What are you doing there? I see your name on that coffee cup!!! LOL!! The breakfast sandwich is so worth it huh?
deej you crack me up...
i once saw a guy in a coffee shop typing on an old fashion (heavy, solid metal, non electric) typewriter.
it was awesome...and i soooo wanted to be that dude. :)
Mouse and mousepad aren't so bad(depending on what he's actually doing on the comp, I guess?), BUT, #1 is enough for me to think he's a tool. Why the heck are you sitting so close to this guy, anyway?
Oh, and also, I sat across the aisle from a guy on the plane once who had a bluetooth headset on. Um... yeah... you can't use that while we're in the air....? Lame.
Britney Mic!! hahaha. ANd I think he doesn't even have any starbucks!!!??
oh wow, that's awesome. I'd heard rumors of guys like that, but have never actually seen any!
good find!!
At least he's on a mac ... I give him a pass for that
HAHAHA! I have to show this post to my husband. He loves making fun of guys like this!
groan... so i'm in bali and doing calls over the internet coz it's cheaper. making a mental note to remove my glasses and limit my headgear to the minimum. lol.
Is this what you resorted to... making fun of others that do things a little different. I know your in the lime light but does that give you the right to belittle other. When I first saw you a couple of years ago in SLC. I was very impressed. I visit you blog daily. Sorry to say your loosing you luster, at least in my eye. Still I wish you the best.
Who are you and what did you do with DJ?? The DJ I know used to say Starbucks was the devil!
Laughing HYSTERICALLY! That's a good one DJ...
lol JJ and yes Shyla I do think Starbucks is possibly the entry level of purgatory :) ...but they do have a nice breakfast sandwich! I have to be back there in a few hours for a meting!
hehehe this is so funny but unfortunatly we are seeying more and more of these ppl , that they think they are very high tech lolll
oh my gosh . well. i'm at starbucks at the very second i read this ? wow . & no joke, there's a guy 2 tables away from me reading the bible to himself . out loud . you just NEVER KNOW .
Your "observation" made me recall a site I meant to send you to (link above)
It's an interesting course I thought you might like to check out or be able to refer people to.
Oh but you see, you're missing the true beauty of this situation.
This is why you DO go to Starbucks. I mean, where else are you going to get so much entertainment for your buck? For only $3.49, you get a latte
AND a highly entertaining hour or two. Who knows what this guy will do next? A true gem...
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