I woke up at 5 this morning to an incredible sunset which was a real treat. I spent some time reading and preparing for my talk which went so well. So many friends came which always blesses me. Thank you.
There was a great crowd too which I was a little surprised by since it was 8am! I talked on WHY we should use video and media in our business and then Ron Dawson talked about HOW to do it. I snapped this shot of Ron as he moved the crowd (and himself) to tears - literally. He's an amazing guy.

Then...wow this post is getting long but I HAVE to write about these girls because they are really an inspiration to me. The Boudoir Divas. I met Kimberlee West a few years ago and have watched her career as a wedding photographer as well as a Boudoir photographer explode. She and Marissa started the Boudoir Divas and quickly rose to the top of their field. They have a beautiful book on boudior photography that I was honored to write the forward to so be sure to check that out!

They treated a huge group of us to an amazing sushi dinner! I am just so blown away at how sweet and giving they are and I hope all of you have a chance to meet them. I snapped these quick pictures as they were talking and just being around them made me want to try my skills so I snapped this shot of their legs. I think I'm a natural. lol.

Lastly I was gonna finish the night by going to Becker's party. He always has the coolest party at WPPI but I was shattered and so I came back up to the room and dumped the whole thing of soap into the bath and had a big bubble bath. It was amazing. It was a great day.

Glad you're having a good time, man ;)
That's alot of suds.
Hey DJ,
Love the bubbles. Glad you had a good time. I missed it this year (moved from Ohio to Missouri) I'm getting closer to Vegas though! 2010 sounds like a good year!
You've always been an inspirational speaker so I am very sure you too moved people.
Be well...
OMG... Bubbles .. that is a great way to end the day ... I'm just laughing at the picture ... it looks like you are being drowned by bubbles!!
thanks dj!!! you're so rad. :)
Good stuff DJ! I am bummed not to be able to make it out this year. I do enjoy hearing all about it so keep it up!
I'd love to hear more about what Ron talked about--he brought people to tears? Ah, so wish I was there:(
BAH HAHAHA--- Great bubble bath pic.
i just love the overflowing bubbles on the floor! haha... glad you are having time to rest and relax!
Bubbles!! When I was a kid and we wanted a bubble bath we had to f... uh, nevermind... ;)
DJ .... your tub is leaking. Better call the front desk. ;-)
DUDE! if you woke up to the sunset it must have been a wild night!!
It was a pleasure to finally meet you at the Divas dinner party after hearing so many good things! I also really enjoyed your talk. Thanks for the reminder to keep things in perspective. Looking forward to seeing you in the future, Crystal Carr
It was so great to meet you in person at your presentation! So funny that we live an hour away but we met all the way in Vegas! You and Ron were great!
You are always inspirational and what you say applies to so much more than just photography!
Okay, I LOVE THE BUBBLE BATH PICTURE! You are hilarious for posting that! HAHAHAHAHA!
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