She and Deyl want me to do a triathalon and when Paige gets something in her mind there is no stopping it from happening! Look at the coercion!!! She even started a poll on her blog! Unreal!
***Click here*** to vote!

p.s. - I'm uncertain about what a "Coach Potato" is though so it might not be that bad.
I was standing on a rock the other day with my white pants on and some girl ran up, took my picture, and ran away before I knew what was going on. Now I know what she did with it. Thanks for helping solve the mystery, DJ.
Coach Potato - When a french fly cannot afford to fly first class.
Thanks...I'm here all week.
did you take out your belly button ring for that shot?
Eric and Dave made me laugh like a crazy woman in front of my computer!! Hilarious! :D
C'mon OSPeeps...everyone MUST GO VOTE FOR THE FAT MEN ARE SEXY option...right now. We'll show this Paige girl that we men of abundance (Sumo wrestlers unite!) will not be shoved out of the ring at ALL!!!
I know I'm crazy but getting people to stretch is something that I have become addicted to.
LOL. Paige is a dreamer/challenger like moi!!! Muahahaha.
PS. I think Fat Men are Sexy. j/k.
PSS. DJ may need a few more years to slow the metabolism and a live-in chef like Paula Dean before fat exists...
Haha...yeah right!
Maybe Krispey Kreme would sponser you?
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