I am totally blown away. The Pictage Web chat was unreal and it felt like this incredible reunion of old friends and the introduction of new friends all getting together and mixing our lives together and bonding, teasing, loving and sharing with each other!

There were over 700 people logged on and I just finished the last question at 1:30am because I just had to finish before I went to bed.
You all are amazing! Thank you. It sounds weird but I felt very loved by all of you and your kind posts really mean the world to me.
700? Wow. I can't believe you answered every single one of them :-)
Totally one of the things I miss about Pictage...wish I could be some sort of a no-print-services-needed-but-thanks-for-offering 'affiliate' member of Pictage, just for the AWESOME networking (since I'm quite happy with my current lab strategy). Sigh...
Oh, wait, only 3 more days 'til Easter!!!! Woo-hoo!!!! \o/
Dood. You didn't answer all the questions. I asked how Pi was calculated and you didn't even acknowledge I was in the chatroom.
:) :) :)
Yea I did dude...I said Swan Squared!
I am so very grateful that I am a member of Pictage and got to follow along with this chat. I walked away with so many ideas and tips (and even bought the Brilliant settings for Photoshop!) that it was all I could talk about today.
Thank you *SO MUCH* for sharing your wealth of knowledge with the photo community.
David, you are always amazing, thanks...
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