I missed church today...can you belive that! Easter of all days! They changed the time and I didn't get the memo but I think God wanted me all to himself today so I went to the beach and read and prayed and worshiped (with my iPod) there.
I'm not a pastor and I'm not posting this to try and convert anybody so don't trip out but this is a big day for Christians because this is the day we believe Christ rose from the dead which is pretty gnarly so I really wanted to take some time thinking about that.
This morning I read a great quote from C.S. Lewis book "The Weight of Glory"
"We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea.I think in my personal life and my professional life I'm far too easily pleased. I'm realizing that I don't want more of the same - I want what's best! ...and it takes discipline and commitment to discover that - two things I'm not so good at so I made some "Easter Resolutions" today. :) New Years Resolutions never even make it to Easter but I'm hoping these resolutions will stay with me forever.
We are far too easily pleased."
that quote makes me think of chapel with Ben :)
did you resolve to do the tri?!
Easy there.....Baby steps Deyl Baby Steps.
tri... wow... Amy tried to get me to do a half marathon once... I ran one time with them... not a chance!!! haha
dude... I'll have to get you a copy of the dvd from today's message!
Great! This is one of my "life quotes" - a have just a few that I try to live by and this happens to be one of them!
yo deej...
thanks for not wussing out just cuz you have a lot of people reading this thanger. i appreciate your moderation in talking about christianity too, that's totally important - but to see the occassional post that mentions Jesus is awesome. it really encourages brittany (my wife) and i....
but lewis totally rocks. i don't think you can go wrong with that guy....ever.
and also, i saw that you'd be at alive later this year. we live in ohio and go every year...what are the chances we can hang out a day or two!? i wouldn't mind meeting up to talk about music and maybe juggle a soccer ball around for a little bit.
you game? we'd love to, you know, meet you at like, a PUG ohio or maybe OSP meeting here in the buckeye state but since there are none...lol, maybe alive fest will work.
holla back!
Happy Easter DJ!
That's such a great quote. It came up in my mens group this week while we were discussing how we can so easily let our emotions go crazy and get us thinking that we're experiencing the best things in our lives when God really wants us to be yearning for much much more!
Sometimes time alone with God is just what we need. It is church. I made some Easter resolutions this year also. Like Let go and Let God.
Sometimes time alone with God is just what we need. It is church. I made some Easter resolutions this year also. Like Let go and Let God.
Sorry I posted my post twice. Oooops.
David Hessemer
Happy Easter Deej
Here's an interesting factoid . . . CSL, JFK, and my grandmother all died on November 22, 1963.
We are far too easily pleased. - I remember reading this before and it stuck. Thanks for posting it about again. How's switzerland?
Go twice next year. ;)
ahhh! I missed church too, ON EASTER OF ALL DAYS!!!... we can be heathens together
;) lol
Happy belated Easter! LOL!
What an awesome quote! So excited what God is doing in and through you! :)
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