I think this often happens in our life. We look around and get a feel for what other people expect of us and we work hard enough to fulfill that expectation. The problem with this way of living is that it gives us the idea that there's an end to our growth and once we reach that standard we can settle in.
I know that I must define my own standard based on my potential because I'm the only one who really knows if I'm giving 100%.
Everyday we have the opportunity to do more than we did the day before, to help one more person or to invest in ourselves and make ourselves better. True success is never stopping, never settling, never living up to somebody elses standard for our life.
So whatever you're doing right now I want to encourage you to put 100% into it. If it's not worth putting in 100% than do something that is.
great words. especially poignant because you live that advice :)
I'm falling asleep at my keyboard right now...I guess I just need to try harder. But do I try harder to stay awake or try harder to go ahead and get a nice little mid-day nap?
nap for sure - I just read a study on napping and they said it's good...just don't nap for more than like 30 minutes or something like that.
I love naps 100%
Well said, Deej. And a good reminder for all of us.
I love this post because it underscores how important it is to find your/my own road. For me, it's tempting to emulate rather than be inspired and discover the standard I was made for, especially in the osp crowd. Great stuff ...
Great post; very thought provoking. Definitely right on. Your coach was a wise man.
I wonder what had you thinking about this?
“The idle man does not know what it is to enjoy rest.”
Albert Einstein
Well said DJ, as always.
good word...cute socks!
Right on!! Although I want God's standard even more so than my own:)
Hi DJ,
Today was the first day for the Westmont Women's soccer team to train in the spring, and I used your post as an inspiration to the women to give 100% every time we step on the pitch... I think it worked, we had a great practice! Thanks!
That is the exact advice that Coach John Woooden shared with me. In fact, he became the head coach with a revolutionary technique...never focus on the compition, just focus on yourself. We often times get discouraged or get out-of-touch with our genius because we focus outward.
woo . . go 13! That was my number, too!
Great words, DJ, as always.
Right on Rebecca! That's so neat to hear that you shared it with the girls!
Reminds of Seth Godin's wisdom...
You have to identify your own standard -- your own story. You cannot succeed to your full potential if you're simply telling a competitor's story a bit better. You must find your own story. And live it.
Plus, i love naps too ;) that's a standard everyone should live by!
love the socks! did you ever play against my friend Jared Kira at Master's? He played sweeper or something like that, don't know a lot about soccer unfortunately.
I bet I did! Masters was one of our biggest rivals! I was there from 1998 - 2002
I give 100% to my naps, I hope that counts...
John Wooden is one of the greatest coaching legends in the world, seriously. Read any of his books and you will be encouraged and strengthened to succeed. Of course, I went to UCLA...so I am a little bias. My husband thinks he walks on water...
30 minute naps don't cut it when your pregnant! :) hehe!
Great post! Good words! I'm inspired.
david, have you ever read "your Roadmap to Success" by John Maxwell? You sound like an excerpt from the book. Success is not arriving, its the never ending journey. What we do along the way determines our success, not the arrival. Right on man! Right On.
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