Just got back from an amazing dinner! LaCour doesn't mess around. They treated their whole crew to one of the best meals I've ever head. Denis said this restaurant was rated in the Top 10 restaurants in the U.S. and I believe it! Actually...he just sent over the article.
It's a restaurant called Ecco!
...and here's a little video of the carriage house and keep in mind that I haven't slept in nearly 24 hours. I was up at 2am this morning to get ready for the trip so I realize I look totally out of it on the video but it's still fun.
nice knee crack when you bent down!
Pretty sweet digs there! What is with the Fiji water I have been seeing all over TV? Very popular in the states I guess. I'm here up here in Canada, near Toronto, and have never seen it. On a side note, we have so much snow, that my College closed for the day. Yeah! Enjoy your stay!
I totally can't wait to stay there myself!
Shutup Deyl...I'm getting old.
Paris,London,Atlanta,Las Vegas, and after please???
What? No Stouffer's in Dennis Reggie's freezer?
Welcome to the City...Enjoy!
Hotlanta? I was expecting some sweet tea and some cold salad in the fridge. I want to know if you sleep better on pressed sheets. Because I sleep the best in dirty sleeping bags.
I slept like a rock. I liked the sheets. I can handle a dirty sleeping bag as well.
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