Saturday, February 10, 2007

Dreaming on the Job

A couple of months ago I saw Rebecca St. James in Christian Singles magazine. I had never seen the magazine before but since she's one of my celebrity crushes (along with Avril Lavigne and a few others) I happened upon this one.

Anyway...I was like thinking that would be a cool magazine to be in the next week totally out of the blue they called for a story! How crazy! The writer, Amy Jacobs, is currently headed out to Africa for a missions trip so keep her in your prayers.

Click here for the article.


Sarah Barlow said...

OH NO WAY!!!! That is so exciting!!
I love how God does things like that before we even ask! He knows our hearts desires and just likes to throw things in like that to show us how much he truely does love us!! Amazing!!

Jackie said...

Congrats! I truly believe that good things happen to good people.
You are proof of that!

Jasmine said...

Wow. That is one nice write-up! Congrats, friend :)

Matt Ramos said...

It must be an amazing feeling to have reached this level of success, and though God has opened doors, you have walked through these doors very graciously. Congrats on continuing to reach new heights..... we are all very proud of you!

Awesome job, bro!

ron said...

Awesome! This article is so right on with who you are and what you are about. This is just cool!

amber said...

wow deej thats really amazing!! have you seen or read "the secret"? i was a little skeptical how it would line up biblically and with my faith...but i watched it yesterday and it really reached out to me. its all about "ask and you shall receive" and "all things are possible to them who believe ~ mark 9:23". you really should watch it and you will be amazed how perfectly it describes your life!! well...have fun with your workshop...SO SAD i cant be there :( i WILL be at the next one...whenever that is!!!!!

Vanessa said...

This article really gets at the heart of you. It's wonderful...congrats DJ :)

Daniel J. Watkins said...

Keep it up buddy and you won't be single much longer! ;)

My celebrity crush is on Elisabeth Shue...she's married...but so am I. LOL

Jim Davis Hicks said...

kinda freakish with the rebecca st james deal????? hmmm?

anyway, congrats.

Shannon said...

So PROUD!!!! Nice interview.

|| davidjay || said...

You guys are amazing! Reading your comments meant more to me than you'll ever know. It was a rough week and I serisously can't thank you guys enough.


His Creations Photography said...

Now thats the way to get published!!. Couldn't be in a more truthful and pure form! You really rock man. Thanks for being a great testimony to my wife and I. It's definitely not easy with so many eyes on you...but you sure are an amazing man!

JeffersonTodd said...

How freakin' rad is this!

You bless so many people DJ. Thanks for all of your willingness to share your knowledge and support with others!

Raya Carlisle said...

Thanks for the photo credit bud : )

Amy J said...

dj-you beat me to it! I just forwarded a PDF of the article to you and then checked the blog only to find it here! i'm thrilled that you are pleased with the article and it seems so many others are, too. (it's easy to write about such inspiring people.) many, many blessings to you, friend. and thanks for mentioning africa—i'm off in less than two weeks. your support and encouragement are invaluable. again, blessings to you. aj

Scarlett Lillian // Jacksonville Senior Photographer said...

Awesome article!

SamTheMan said...


This is great news, I'm soo excited and happy for you. Just look at the doors God is opening for you dude! You are truly blessed and yet, this is just the beginning. Keep being yourself and He'll do the rest. Congrats my man!

Paige Kearin said...

DJ- That's a great article. I feel motivated by the same thing you do. Keep on rocking.

Paige Kearin said...

I agree with Amber that you should watch "The Secret". It was just featured on Oprah but it's really cool. I would be interested in hearing your perspective on it because it is all about quantum physics and stuff.

c r y s t a l said...

Fantastic article, DJ! It is a great reflection of what you do for the Lord and for others.

Thank you for doing what you felt God calling you to do!


Holritz Photography said...

That's awesome man!

- Nathan

Carole Foret said...

Awesome awesome DJ! I love Rebecca too--admire her so much....Great article--even hotter photo. I love your signature smile, but this shot is really great too! Great all blessed.