Nowdays I don't set a timer but I stay in the shower until there's no more hot water and then I get out. I think that may be my biggest sacrifice when I get married is to not take up all the hot water. I will know I'm in love when I'm willing to do that.
Anyway, one of the best blogs out there is Tim Sanders blog and today he talked about why we have so many breakthroughs in the shower and it's really cool.
Click here to read the post!
Rock on!
Don't worry about taking up all the hot water. Michael takes the LONGEST showers out of anyone I know and I still love him! Just take a shower at night if she takes them in the morning!! :)
I'm not alone!! I do the same thing with the hot water. I normally don't like to be wasteful, but when it comes to showers I take more than my share of hot water. :)
Great post by Tim Sanders!!
I'm married and I still take up all the hot water... but it's usually whatever's left after my husband has done it just before me. :P
The shower is such a therapeutic place for me. Water in general seems to have that affect on me. Being by the ocean, floating in a still pool, relaxing in a hot tub... perhaps it is our weightlessness, or the cleansing of everything we've managed to pick up along the way, or the sound of something which drowns out the world around us.... I love water. *sigh*
Two bathrooms w/ showers...two hot water heaters. 'Nuff said...
Haha! DJ, I totally did the same thing when I was little! My family would have to wait on me and take cold showers all the time--then they learned to shower before I did! lol Hope you're doing well!!
Dude how did you like the shower head at the Marina City Club? That thing could blast barnacles off a boat!
Dude - seriously! It's great! You don't even need soap because as soon as the water hits your skin it removes three or four layers of flesh.
DJ - Wow really good stuff on Tim Sanders site. I can see why you are so impressed with him.
But about the other, just have her shower first. Or get up really early like your Mom probably did so that there is enough in the water heater for your honey.
Just get one of those tankless water heaters, then you'll never run out of hot water :p
haha..you sound like Mark when you were little...the only thing is with him it wasn't in the shower it was the toilet! My mom would have to set a timer for him I think the limit was like an hour...but eventually he just started doing school in there. LOL!
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