Joe Photo has, in my opinion, the best blog for wedding photographers. He posts about photo stuff but also about ways to go about living a better life. Joe's so full of passion and I get so amped everytime I'm around him.
Today he posted about being thankful and so I wanted to thank him for the encouragement and inspiration he's been to me ever since I became a wedding photographer.
Click here to read his post.
leave your campsite cleaner than you found it
I tried to bleach that pillow you were talking about but it didn't help... lol
joe's words apply even more so to marriage! i hope i can master this!
we're staying at our hotel in marina del rey looking across the water... is fongs condo in one of the cool blue hip buildings?
What a treasure! Added to my favorites!
My Mom used to tell me to "adopt an attitude of gratitude" in all relationships. I am so grateful for folks like Joe who spread this message to others! Such an inspiration!
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