This morning I was listening to my monthly CD from John Maxwell's
Maximum Impact Club and this month's lesson was on wisdom and there was this great quote...
"The wise man learns from his mistakes The wiser man learns from others mistakes.......the wisest man learns from others successes."
Hope you have great Easter. Have fun out in Swizterland. We expect to see some great photos!
Experience is not the best teacher—evaluated experience is. :)
....Also probably from Maxwell.
Luke, I gotta say the quote DJ posted especially applies to raising kids. The second child learns from the first child's mistakes.
And, yes, the second child potty trains a LOT faster / easier than the first...
(Just my "experience"...)
Great quote! Is that the actual title of Maxwell's book!? I have not heard of that one yet...must investigate!
Happy Easter DJ :)
GREAT quote!! John Maxwell is just so awesome!
I just found that book at the bookstore the other day and it looks so amazing!
SO True!
Growing up, I used to tell my mom that my sister was "the fish who got caught in all the nets," and I was "the one who learned from her to swim around them!" My mom still reminds me that I said this years ago!
Of all people, I married a fisherman!
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