...and here's a video!
I am now in paradise!
This place is amazing! You will not believe it! I will take a video tonight and upload it for you!
This is one of the top 5 places I've ever experienced!
Right now i'm laying on a swinging bed on my balcony overlooking the gorgeous teal water!
I just read an old proverb that says, "Develop your business first before building your house." This is certainly what I've been doing...but i'm becoming less and less content just building my business but I've also found myself really resisting starting the "house building" and adding another dimension to my life.
One of the reason's I've been getting up early is to spend time praying about this and trying to get some direction about where to go next. I know a lot of you have been praying for me too and thank you for that.
I'm excited for the wedding today and as soon as I can get online I'll get some pictures up for all of you.
Hey everyone...I thought you'd enjoy this picture...I took a picture with my phone of the back of my camera from this welcome party we're having before the wedding tomorrow. Lol...I'll have better pictures up as soon as I have internet...can you believe I haven't had internet this whole time other than on my phone.
It's been gorgeous down here and we met a cool videographer who told us about an insane secret getaway where you stay in palapas (sp?) right on the ocean so we're gonna blast there for a couple of days after the wedding.
I miss you guys...i'm so used to being able to stay in the conversations with everyone and keep up on the blogs.
Ok...back to shooting...
It's 6:30 in the morning and i'm up reading thinking and praying. One of my Easter resolutions was to get up at 6am every day and I've done it ever since!
It's really weird because I don't feel jet lag anymore or even feel what time it is for that matter because it's actually 3am for me and when I was in Europe the time was way off and I dunno why but it doesn't bother me.
It's gorgeous here. Warm and windy and there are these huge pools that go throughout the whole hotel. I brought my underwater housing so I'll take some fun pictures.
More later...
Me and Brett had a short layover in denver and I really like Denver. People here in Colorado are really nice...they remind me of the people in Switzerland.
We are headed to Cancun where we'll meet up with Kevin Swan if he's able to get out of Texas. There have been bad storms and lots of delayed and cancelled flights.
I'm really excited for this wedding. It's a couple from NY who I've never met but they seem wonderful and are going to have an amazing wedding!
Everyone is staying at the barcelo resort which is an all inclusive resort down there and I've never stayed at a place like that.
I also changed my plans a little bit to come home for a day inbetween this wedding and my wedding in palm springs so I can repack and get everything I need for Chicago as well.
Rock on!
So I uh finally got nipped from my lack of travel planning...haha...last night I searched and searched for a hotel for my last night in Switzerland and I thought for sure there was some error because all the sites claimed that none existed. So when I arrived in Geneva I came back to the President Wilson hotel where I stayed last week and asked if they could help me find a room and they searched and searched for me and their is only one bed available in the whole city which was at a dorm style youth hostel!!! Yikes! Once a year there is a huge watch tradeshow that books up all of Geneva and it's this week. Lol
So being that I have to be at the airport at 5am (and I am a big yuppy when it comes to traveling) I was like forget the hostel I will just stay up all night. So today I hung out with Daniel Zihlmann and he showed me some cool places and now it's 12:30am and i'm back at the President Wilson hanging out being a squater in their lounge with a bunch of watch folks! :)
I'm not sure what I'll do when the lounge closes because I'll still have a few hours before I can go to the airport but I will let you know.
Today we finished up another great workshop with Planche Contact!
I really get excited when photographers are open and wanting to take advantage of new systems and new tools and I'm convinced that my new friends out here are going to excell very fast if they adopt some of these new philosophies because they will be the first French photographers to do so! They will actually be some of the first photographers in the world fully take advantage of this "Hands Free" system because only a few people even in the U.S. are doing it.
It was so cool tonight when David Bornais started talking at dinner about the photographers he knew of in the U.S. because they were all my friends and he said he knew them because they were the ones sharing information! So cool! I have a video clip of him talking about Dane and the Simple Photo Minute and Jasmine Star and others and I'll try and put it up tomorrow!
Now...I gotta go find a hotel room for tomorrow night back in Switzerland.
So I just landed in Switzerland! Yea! The flights were wonderful and I don't feel tired or anything. I just stopped at this restaurant because I haven't gotten to the part of my planning where I book a hotel so I need to hop online and do that...but this restaurant has a great menu as you can tell!
"We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea.I think in my personal life and my professional life I'm far too easily pleased. I'm realizing that I don't want more of the same - I want what's best! ...and it takes discipline and commitment to discover that - two things I'm not so good at so I made some "Easter Resolutions" today. :) New Years Resolutions never even make it to Easter but I'm hoping these resolutions will stay with me forever.
We are far too easily pleased."
I'm so excited because yesterday I bought 4 new books at borders. I went in there and didn't even plan on buying anything but found awesome books that I didn't even know existed!
This book is from one of my favorite authors named Harry Beckwith...he's super good...
"a life in marketing confirms the wisdom of to thine own self be true. Ultimately, it will feel more comfortable for you; you don't have to think about how you want to be seen...you have a brand. Make sure yours is honest."
It's easy to fall into the tempation of masking who we are in order to create an appearance of who we hope to be. The words "fake it till ya make it" are words that will kill you in todays market because I believe if you "fake it" those around you will see that and they won't help you make it!
Work from the inside out! Become who you want to be and then live it! That's the way to success, fulfillment, and a life well lived.
Be honest, be real, be you!