The wedding was great and a bunch of you got to tune in and see us shooting at the salon! How fun was that! If you got to see us shooting post up and let me know how it was because that was just a test but I know over 50 people were watching so that's cool!

Now this week all the Showit guys are in Santa Barbara for a week of planning and prioritizing as we plan for another great year. Many people think that I create the Showit apps and that's funny because I'm certainly not that smart. Really all of you invent them. I just listen to what you need and find people who can make the solutions. The success of my software company as well as my photography business has been largely dependent on one thing - listening.
Hi DJ,
It was nice seeying you guys in action it was so much fun, but it would be better if you could move the camera a bit once in a while so we can see different angles.
Thank you for sharing your experience with all of us
Did you end up stopping by In-n-Out? It was a little past 1:30am by the time I made my way into the OC and because you planted that craving in my mind...I HAD to stop for a grilled cheese!! ;)
Ha ha! I stopped for In-n-Out on my way back to San Diego, too! :) I was practically falling asleep at the wheel, so at about 1am I decided to pull over for a little snack to keep me awake (fries & coke- real healthy, huh?)
DJ it's so great to see all of you sitting there drumming up ideas and products to help all of's like watching Da Vinci at his desk with pencil in hand..wonder how history would have changed if He had a MacBook Pro!
It was amazing seeing you in action, couldn't believe it was real!!
I love your work, you and your friends are a whole bunch of artists :-)
Had a shoot that day and totally missed it. Reminds me of back in the day anxiously waiting with friends for the (then) WWF pay-per-view Wrestlemanias to come on! :-) REEEAAALLY looking forward to your next one. What a cool idea.
Hey DJ I totally got to catch you at the salon working it! I saw you using the 50mm 1.0 and even caught Jasmine in the background!! I thought it was her before you even mentioned she was there! Can't wait to see the images from the wedding. You guys ROCK!!
Dude...Jasmine would be the hottest thing in almost any industry...
I think that's a first to have an actual photo session online as it's happening, sure some people have live pictures streaming at the reception but to have it all online that's awesome! I only wish I could see a replay. Keep up the innovation you rock DJ!
Nice suit, DJ!
Sweet jacket! I loved the real feed, please do it again. I will be an addict! Who are these lucky people that get groups of awesome photographers to document their weddings. :)
Hey DJ, I totally admire you and love everything you do. I just bought Showit Web earlier this year and my only wish is that it had an auto-arrange feature for organizing the photos. It always uploads them out of order and it takes some time to drag and drop them back into place. Otherwise, I love it and my clients really enjoy it as well. Keep up the awe-inspiring work!
50 1.2 as well, its INSANE!!!
DJ you're out having all this fun with Gary and at weddings with jasmine...and I'm wondering if you've made time to exercise lately? I know I sure haven't :) That's why I've challenged you and Deyl to a 30-day Nike+ challenge, TX vs. CA. Starts tomorrow...
that's super cute that you and Bret wore matching shirts ;-)
I'm lovin the oufit DJ! The belt's a nice touch to the whole thing. :) Aaaanyway, that picture of you taking the bride and groom is definitely a favorite...hope you're doin well!
I love the shot you have here of you on the ground. Couldn't agree with you more about the's the true key to success.
As the bride in the photos, I can't think of a more heartfelt, tallented, inspiring photographer then DJ. It was truely a blessing to have him magicly capture our most special moments. And yes, he looked FANTASTIC in that suit!
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