Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What do you want?

I had a wonderful conversation with my mom over Thanksgiving that made me realize that often times in life we act, and continue acting, in ways that we think are getting us closer to what we want but when we actually think about it we haven't even decided what we are striving towards and instead letting life's circumstances pull us in every possible direction. It's incredibly unfulfilling and can be incredibly painful.

I've been guilty of this in many areas of my life but especially in by business. Isn't it easy to get consumed with all the fun, exciting, possibilities of things we could do instead of FOCUSING on what we SHOULD do!

How many of you are willing to admit that you're spread too thin. That you've taken on too many projects and you're keeping yourself from reaching your potential because you're paralyzed by all the possibilities!

Stop gambling with your life. Stop flirting about hoping and START CREATING! It's your choice what you do with your life so decide what it is you actually want and make some decisions today about what you are NOT GOING TO DO next year in order to get that.


Anonymous said...

Great point David. You'll be happy to know I quit hotels due to this very reason. Spread too thin and what takes the hit??...the family and yourself. Should instead of could is a great way to focus and prioritize.

Great post!

|| davidjay || said...

Jason that's awesome to hear! Good for you! I'm sure Starwood was sad but you're gonna rock!

Corey Hage said...

Can you get an "Amen"! Great post DJ.

Vick Prizma Productions said...

Hey DJ,
I agree with you 100% and what your saying its very thru & Inspiring.
I don't want to be Negative at all here, but once you have a family kids and parents to take care of , trust me a lot of things change's and you will be pushed to change your personal priorities to another venues cause you will not have any other choice.
But I'm still trying hard and sometimes I succeed and sometimes not.
I hope I was able to explain my self.


Kathy said...

I appreciate where you're coming from, DJ! My motto has always been I want to do one thing well. It may not sound like a very lofty goal, but how many people can say that they do one thing well? When we start to take our focus off of our goal, our target, or whatever it is we are trying to ultimately accomplish, our finished product- whatever that is- suffers. What you have accomplished may be good, but not your best, because time and energy that could have been spent on perfecting your first call has been poured into something that is basically a distraction. We have been sidetracked more times than I care to admit, but God never wastes our pain! We always come back with renewed determination and even more passion to do ONE thing WELL! Go DJ! :-)

Daniel J. Watkins said...

Okay...I'm done creating income-zapping dependants so next more sex.

Edan Ramos said...

I love this, and it is so true, yet everyday I dream about starting my studio, and or my photog business, and yet everyday I go sell insurance! The whole time all I do is dream about how great that person would be to shoot, or how cute their kids would look in B&W portraits....

I think I need courage....

Krista Photography said...

Amen! It seems FOCUS is my word for the week, or month, or year...

Christopher Record said...

I totally agree David. I've been guilty of this in the past. I spent five years doing weddings on the side while working as a newspaper photographer. I made the break from the newspaper in January of this year and haven't looked back.
Good advice as usual!

Sarah Barlow said...

Haha! I was JUST reading about this in a book today! Sooo right on! One thing that I read is that we could be doing tons of really "good" things but if it doesn't take us to our purpose and vision then we should drop it to pursue what is "best"!

Deyl said...

Mama Jay has taught you well my friend.

we're going to start '08 with a band and its going to be the best year EVER!

Ginger Murray said...

This has been on my mind a LOT lately.

Because it's my first year on my own, I took on everything...and it was good to build that client base, but MAN that's overwhelming sometimes. I told Jessica Person (Brad's wife) about it, and she said wonderful things that made me think. She told me that I have to ask God where I'm suppose to go next.. because I can't keep doing it all. She likened it to a person in med school choosing a specific field.

And so, I've been doing a lot of thinking and praying, and I wait for doors to open, just as they did when I realized I was suppose to be a professional was a total "DUH" moment, and
I have a feeling when I finally figure out what it is I'm suppose to be doing specifically, it will be another one of those moments.

There are SO many things I want to do (I'm a big dreamer too:))..but not sure quite yet what I really WANT or am SUPPOSE to do...

Sarah is right.

And I say do the band, Deyl.
Then when you're 80 you can't say you never tried, and wished you had.

phoetic said...

Powerful post!

Lauren said...

Great post!

Putting your post into action- you know what I want? I want you to join us for lunch in SB on Sunday :) If you're going to be around, a few of us are meeting at Brody Brothers around 12:30. You know you want to!

Pursuing Christ and Loving Life,

Family said...

DJ - I think your post is right on. I'm on the verge of jumping out on my own in business, and the major realization I have had is that I actually do not trust God with my life. That was interesting to learn about myself. Realizing that and now putting myself in position to jump out on my own and trust Him is incredibly freeing.

|| davidjay || said...

LOVED reading all your posts! It's so energizing to people make commitments to sacrifice what they shouldn't be doing to accomplish something greater through their gifts!

Davina said...

I couldn't agree more with this post. There are so many good things in the world to be a part of and so many good things within the industry to be a part of...but not necessarily all are good for me specifically. This past year has been about the concept you're talking about here, DJ, and it has made a huge difference for me. It also gives you the chance to be more real and more authentic...which is what I think we're all hoping we'll become.

itsystitch said...

wow, so basic, but so true. I really needed to be reminded of this. Sometimes I want to be everybody's savior, but my own family and business take the hit, that's really backward. Thanks for a great reminder. sometimes it's okay to let go.

Ruby Rideout said...

You don't really know me and I've only posted on your blogs a few times. But I just wanted to say that you're very inspirational to me. Thanks.