This was my view when I woke up this morning and it was a great reminder that even in difficult times the sun will rise and I'll have another day and another opportunity to make things better.
There's a great quote that says, “We can only appreciate the miracle of a sunrise if we have waited in the darkness”
I like to get up and see the sunrise because it seems that no matter how I'm feeling I'm always reminded that there is something bigger at hand. Each day is a miracle and having reminders of that has helped me be thankful even when things aren't going the way I want.
What in your life reminds you of how blessed you are? You don't have to post about it but definitely think about it.
That is so so true...It's actually lyrics to a Nichole Nordamen (SP?) song.... "How could I love the morning, if I knew not midnight!"
My wife...she is amazing..reminds me everyday how blessed I am.
My baby's smiles.
Ditto the kids. Nothing I own and nothing I've accomplished in my multiple careers can compare to the feeling of becoming a parent. :)
My family and friends. Especially Brayson! I am so very blessed!
Wonderful post, DJ! I needed to read that quote today.
Oh David, God used your words to encourage me today and I needed it! THANKS for blessing me.
Crystal darling, when are you going to bring lil Brayson and your man out to SB! You know you have an open invite!
Your comments couldn't be more pertinent to my life now.
Both my Husband Larry, and my best friend, Beth have been given a second chance at life. They both beat stage 4 cancer this year, and I was fortunate enough to be involved in the process of healing for both of them.
Every moment seems like the brightest most beautiful sunrise lately, life seems like it's full of miracles again after walking through that darkness.
Hey DJ,
Not related to this image, though it's cool (you're forever entertaining!)... I was looking at your site + slideshows on this site, and I just want to say you have some really powerful images with fantastic emotion. I really enjoy looking at your work.
My daughter Mya, who passed away 3 years ago. I never deserved her in the first place, but was so blessed to have known her. She reminds me of God's grace. To have been picked to be her mom was truly a blessing.
Awww, DJ! We want to come so badly! Now if we could just make it happen!
Such a good quote- seems like a lot of people needed to hear it... including me... Thanks, DJ! :)
Hey there, I know you get a ton of these comments so i'll make this quick...I'm totally new to this forum and am just trying to meet other photographers! I feel so lame doing this, but didn't really know of any other way. I guess I have to start somewhere.
My name is Susannah, I'm 24, and I live in ST. Louis. And I thrive off of creativity.
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