After 2 months of sleeping on an aerobed I finally got my bed in! YEA! If Crystal wasn't such an awesome taskmaster it never would've gotten put together! I can't believe how complicated a bed can be!
I'm headed home today for Thanksgiving and am so excited to see some family and friends. I may extend my stay in AZ to hangout more!
p.s. I didn't put the decoration on the ceiling. It came with the house. :)
WOW, David that is simply gorgeous!!!
Very nice!
(Tee hee, about the mirrror though.)
mount your youstream camera up inside the mirror!
I notice that you didn't take it down either.
How neat -- you can watch yourself sleep!!! ROFL
it came with the house and it should stay with the house :)
hey where did you get that clock?? too cool.. i wanna..
1. the mirror should stay. 2. AZ hike? You for it? Perfect weather for desert hike. Let us know.
yes...you did not take it down
Happy Turkey Day! Gobble!
A few more mirrors and you can look like you have lots of...well...um...nevermind...
haha... after fulling renovating your whole place and you're making excuses for keeping the mirror?
Nice. :)
We're in with Faith.
seriously...all the remodel and taking mirror down wasn't in the budget?
Did you keep the pot room too?
That mirror is the coolest thing in that room! :-)
Glad ya'll like the mirror. Everyone is confused what it is until they get underneath it and then they can't help but laugh.
I'm at home in AZ for Thanksgiving and it's great to be here. I turned on the webcam and my dad gets a kick out of being on camera. lol
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