Thursday, November 22, 2007

Glory Days...

...and awkward high school dance poses. lol :)

It's always so fun to come home and go through my old stuff.

I found some pretty funny soccer videos too. I'm gonna try and get them digitized so I can put them online and show you guys.

I'm back with the Showit Crew and we are cranking. No rest for the wicked. I guess it is still a holiday but we are doing the coolest stuff so I'm glad we got to connect up here in AZ.


the assistant said...

I never knew you were so crafty....look at those pages. How special! : )

Delwyn Rutley said...

you should make you're wedding albums look like that. Nice jeans for the dance!

kennykimdotcom said...

Who needs Beckham in America when we have DJ? Happy Thanksgiving DJ!

Bryan Caporicci said...

LOL what a looker, DJ! Nice red shirt :)

Megan said...

i'm pretty sure that i wore the same thing to sadies in high school. ugh!

jamiedelaine said...

That's hilarious DJ. Definitely one of the best awkward poses I've seen in a while.

Anonymous said...

what does MORP stand for?

faithsalutes said...

Jen Combe! She looks like she is your aunt or something.


Go Dobson.

Heather Houston said...

hahaha I love the matching outfits!!!

Deyl said...

ha ha... "rumble in the jungle"

we're going to have our own rumble in the jungle in about a month!

Name: Brian McGuckin said...

Is that a mullet? Nice!!!

|| davidjay || said...

haha! I didn't put the hearts on there you idiots!!! lol .... and no that's not a mullet!

|| davidjay || said...

....I had a bowl cut!

Ginger Murray said...

We had MORP too!
We didn't have a formal homecoming though, so MORP was our semi-formal. Awkward poses included.

Ginger Murray said...

At least you parted your bowl cut. That meant you had a little style, at least. Haha! :)

itsystitch said...

I thought the matching red shirts were an accident, until I saw the plaid ones! Ahahaha! Too funny, TFS! :)

Paula and Damian said...

Jay saves the day! That should be your slogan, LOL! Cool that you kept those clips from the papers.