I'm so bummed I missed the earthquake! I was downtown having dinner with Allie and her brother and when I came home Crystal was telling me about how she was sitting in her apt and all of a sudden everything was shaking. She thought it was just the UPS guy driving his monster truck on the driveway but it was actually an earthquake! Gnarly!
My house is on the side of a cliff and really close to a fault line so there is earthquake concern but there hasn't been an earthquake here in a long long time until yesterday and I have earthquake insurance but I was thinking what I would do while my house was rebuilt.
What would you do if your home was destroyed and you had 6 months of insurance money to go live anywhere?
Rent a pimped out RV with satellite Internet access and live on the road.
Or at Freedom House...wii boxing...who could ask for more.
good thing your insurance agent it totally awesome. ;)
I would backpack through Thailand & Burma, visiting some friends & hanging out w/ displaced Karen people living in refugee camps.
Have fun in your soccer game- hope you get to play on the field & not get stuck in goal! :)
I think I'd spend some time in Africa, probably Rwanda, visiting some friends and helping out. Then I'd go to Italy or maybe backpack around Europe. Spend at least a week at Cinque Terre.
crazy, we didnt feel it though, If i had 6 months, id go in with some friends who also had their house destroyed and get a sailboat, and sail, surf, and relax at our favorite tropical places around the world!
So this apparently means that we can give up all other responsibilities for 6 months...?
I'd live in Capri. Favorite place in the world.
Ride a motorcycle across Europe. Ohhh, now I have to obsess about my dream again.
What are all you guys waiting for an earthquake for? Sounds awesome.
I'd probably come live at your house;) how awesome would that be????!!!:P
Live in France in my country, there is never never earthquake here . ha! ha! ha!
but it is not either Santa Barbara !
I'd pitch a tent in my backyard and buy lots of ShowIt stuff.
Beijing, China all the way! Definitely go there sometime - it's my favorite place in the world :)
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