TSA stands for "Toothpaste Stealers of America" and it is such a hassle because I fly somewhere for one day and they take my toothpaste and so I have to go and find some when I get to wherever I am going. Then I fly home the next day and they take that tube as well so I have to go get more when I get home.
...so I went and got a ton of little tubes to keep here at the house so at least when I get home I will always have toothpaste and I think the little tubes you can sneak by easier as well. I think 3 ounces is the biggest one you can take and these little tubes are only one ounce.
dude!! You totally should have Crest sponsor you!!
-Crest, proud sponsors of David Jay Photography;)
dude, how about not putting the toothpaste in your carry-on?
of course, that only works if you are checking bags... i know how nice it is to not deal with checked baggage.
anyway, good times... crest should totally sponsor you!
What size tubes are you buying? I just got through that last two days with the small travel size. No hassles.
However... I did have them take my camera bag as gate checked when I was trying to get on the plane... even though there were 20 empty seats! Grrrrrr.
DJ, didn't you get the memo they're letting you travel with liquids again?? (okay, so only 3oz tubes/bottles all in a quart-size bag)...
....but you don't have THAT much hair product now do you that your toothpaste gets the boot? LOL
Who needs toothpaste. That's what chewing gums are for.
let's just say you motivated me to get to the dentist this morning.... the sad news is that I've got to replace all my fillings! ugh
I found the trick to this. It works every time. I don't know what kind of computer bag you use, but we carry the bookbag type and if you put the stuff down in behind where your computer goes, they don't check there. It's actually where Gary hid my engagement ring for 3 weeks before he gave it to me. It's a great place. Try that.
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