Then we went over and saw his awesome family and his new second home! Seriously! This thing is decked out with a flatscreen, full kitchen, 3 beds and tons of other cool stuff!

...and then!!! I came home and found my kitchen looking like this! WHOA!

Now some of you might be thinking "yea - that's a sink DJ" but ya see I haven't seen my sink in a long time because when I'm traveling a lot I tend to let the cups stack up a bit and I have PUG groups and homegroups for my church come and meet at my house and so there is usually like a ton of cups in my sink but Kristin Renee washed everything! Amazing! I was so happy.
...and now I gotta get a hotel for NY because I leave tomorrow and I heard there is some big race out there so all the running people have booked up all the rooms.
No mugs are left after pug meetings silly boy.
Poor DJ...I bet you have to wear black and white stripes just to break up all of the squirmishes over who gets to clean your's rough! LOL
Hope to see you in NYC DJ! Have a safe trip!
Dan you are soooo right Dan. The boxing gloves come out and we all fight to clean his sink. kristin totally kicked our butts this time:(
what a great surprise- to come home to a clean sink!
I know this is not the place to post this, but I submitted a ticket last night about a problem am having with show-it, but have had no response. Is there a better way to contact someone that can help me?
DJ... Is that plant on the back of the sink dead??!
dude - in New York you are so going to be sleeping in a public restroom! lol
My sink is a disaster compared to yours!!
Thomas Sanderson Photography
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