On Saturday we went and hit golf balls in the morning which was so fun.

...then we went and walked along the water and there were so many weddings going on. I think we saw five weddings all within just a few steps of each other. I took all these pictures with my Blackberry. It has such a good camera on it.

After that we went shopping at the Apple store and I just installed Aperture 1.5 to test it out and see how it compares to Bridge and Lightroom...and then we saw the movie the Guardian which was really good. I thought I was gonna cry but I didn't but it was really good.

....and then yesterday I shot a super fun wedding for a friend from college and I'll put a slidshow up later because now I'm taking a little road trip! I'm headed home for the week! I'm so excited! I haven't seen my parents forever. I'm at Borders right now picking up 3 books on CD to listen to on the way.

AZ - Here I come!
Glad you're coming to AZ, but I'll be in Dallas the entire time. Bummer...
Oh and definitely check out AudioBook on iTunes. They're awesome on an iPod if you have a car adapter.
Then you don't have to lug around the CDs.
ooo did you guys go to Singing Hills to golf? It's so pretty there.
the blackberry camera compares with budget point-n-shoots- can't wait for them to do 30fps video as well! Cool!
yeah, but did any of the weddings release doves down on SD bay? :)
So admit it... you were crying at The Guardian!
And not because the movie was sad... but because KT out drove you at the driving range!! :o)
DJ what do you thing of APERTURE 1.5....??
soak up your time with your folks.
lately i've been crazy busy developing some stuff for business and all and i've had the opportunity to see my folks and yet it seems like i didn't even see them. either cause i've been really busy or cause my mind was busy even if i wasn't "working."
i pray your time is blessed and refreshing! God bless.
can't wait to hear how you like aperture!
I'm just diving into Aperture...spent a few hours on it last night and haven't found the feature I'm wanting yet... "Auto" correct. There is an auto exposure/levels feature but that's not good enough for me. Unless it has similar auto capabilities as Bridge I won't be switching.
Wow!!! That wedding you shot on your phone...the city looks so amazing it looks fake in the background! Wow! Maybe you should just switch to Blackberry Pearl instead of your Mark 11!! HEHE!!
Looks like you had a fun weekend enjoying being a tourist. Glad you went out and explored some! Great shot of the bride here too! You amaze me daily!
Have fun in AZ. Can't wait to see that slide show!
Oh yeah and just wondered if you noticed how funny girls are lately :)
ahhhh! Shelly! :D I KNOW! LOL ...sorry I didn't put that show up yet - I will soon. You're in big trouble - you know that right!?!
I told you that if you didn't hire me I would be forced to go out and find someone who would :)
I had to eat! We'll see how long this lasts. I do kind of create my own schedule. But I always am waiting for you to pay me to do anything...I can organize!
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