Liana Lehman has a special place on her site where she puts all her shows for people to enjoy and I think that's really smart because they really are fun to watch and it helps turn your website into an experience and something that's entertaining and not just informational.
...and Andy Martin just sent me this email about this slideshow! What a wonderful thing to be a part of and look how this slideshow is blessing these people and how it's also giving them a way to pass along Andy's name. :)

Rock on!
Yeah! Don't know if you remember but you gave me some tips on getting the SIW online. I posted it for my friends (we went on a mini vacay together) and they loved it!! I think I need to advertise more of my photography services to them. haha, so far just been a hobbyist building up a portfolio. ^_^
LOL. Jess and I were chilling at dinner the other night in Cali and talking about how we now get requests for slideshows if we don't do one right away. They're taking over. Okay...need to go finish these last few shows.... thanks DJ!
i almost sent a link to a mom last night that said "if you want to cry . . click here" and it linked to my show it show i did of her son's sr. port. but i didn't want to assume she'd cry so i didnt'. the next day she brought her whole family over for a portrait and as soon as she saw me she said "you made me and my sister cry with that amazing slideshow!" and she gave me a huge hug.
thanks. the slideshows make it happen!
also, they want it in high res on a dvd. is that possible?
That is my same question...I don't know if this is the place for it or not, but I am sooo excited about the slideshows too, and I still have yet to buy SHOWIT. How do we give the client a slideshow?
Is it always kept with me? I dont' even have a blog yet...silly me huh?
I am trying to figure it all out.
Yes, the slideshows are amazing. I was a little skeptical at first, but then I broke down and bought ShowitWeb and, let me tell you, every single slide show I've posted so far (I'm at six or seven) has elicited the same reaction: tears of joy and grateful thanks. I'm such a believer that I've altered my workflow so that I can post a slideshow the next day, while the emotions are running hot.
Two nights ago, I sent a single link to the bride and groom. The next day, more than 40 unique visitors logged in to see the show! Images in sequence and set to music do so much to make your work come alive.
Thanks for making it easy, DJ!
That is awesome! The impact of the slideshows is truly amazing...both to share special moments like those at Light The Night...and for business! Thanks for sharing ShowIT with us DJ!
I actually used to work for the LLS...and took pics at the Portland, OR Light The Night Walk this year. I have yet to make a slideshow...but that show is truly all the encouragement that I needed.
Hey DJ,
You know I love what you're doing man and how you're helping soo many people fulfill their vision. And, the slideshow software has countless applications and it's great that you are sharing this app with the world. You will be bountifully blessed because you did. Peace!
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