Last Sunday I had the chance to go out bowling with some of my dear friends. Now don't get me wrong I love my friends but sometimes it's really hard to go bowling with them because I know they will be bummed when they lose. My intention is definitely not to make them feel like losers but I dunno...it's a challenge...anyway... This was the case (again) on Sunday night. :(
Here is the scores. In this first image you can see Amy Nave's hand blocking the scoreboard. I felt bad taking a picture but I knew that the two or three people that read my blog like to keep up with what's going on in my life.
You are unbelievable!!!!! That's some pretty good photoshop skills:) Did you buy your wrist brace yet?
FREAKEN HILARIOUS! you two are such nerds!!! This is why we love you.
As long as you are paying the rent-a-friend bill on-time...you can go on beating them at whatever you want...
last i heard about bowling is that the WINNER buys the LOSERS dinner!! ;) didn't you get the memo?
What happened to Cream Puff? Starting to feel more masculine are we?
My Advice...
Hide out before the game as follows: Grow back the stache, wear a sketch outfit and whistle at them... that way they feel good about hemselves (cause someone thinks they're hot) going into the game and the loss won't seem as bad. ... just make sure they don't know it's you whistling.. and if you hear sirens.... run, they're for you.
check out my suggestion at http://www.estellosbest.blogspot.com it was a little too lenghty to fit here but I think you'll like it. I hope ;-)
I would add my pic but I don't know how. Any suggestions anyone?
Creampuff! Ha! I knew it wasn't cupcake! Creampuff!...well I guess it doesn't matter my nickname - I still win!
This is soooooooooooo funny!! :)
What a crack up!! :)
You and your mustache must have cheated. It is the only explanation.
I heard about this today on my morning walk with Amy & Crystal. Not sure if the story is being told right...haha! ;)
I'm with ginger... mustache march = got to be cheating.
Fun, fun funny posting!
As you all can see... part of DJ's head is missing in this picture. That is because it was getting bigger by the second and we couldn't fit it all in the photo.
Post update: Hi DJ, I noted in an earlier post today, in hopes of reminding you of who I am, I went into the archive to check the date on the photo you took of everyone in NH on Superbowl Sunday. It wasn't in January. It was Feb 03, sorry. I couldn't sworn I put a post too but I didn't see it. It was my first so I probably did something wrong.
Dream on and aim high
(that spells "Anita" typing w/hands one key over, ha, ha)
Start a new fad w/me and blog back with your name. Let see how it will spell, okay. "Everybody join in. I'll add this this to my own blog at www.estellosbest.blogspot.com
"Life no good w/out some fun."
i say you take the comp to the next level on snowboards...i think amy's got that one in the bag ;)
did you guys use bumpers for these scores?
winning at bowling is not necessarily something I would brag about. Do you dance with with an overbite too? ;)
I just switch my golf score with my bowling score and suddenly I look like I know what to do with my balls...
tell them to take bowling lession, that should help :)
this is like sharks in carp all over again....i just don't know who to believe this time!?!
but my instinct is to say, shame on you, mr. jay ;)
You are hilarious... Cupcake. ;)
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