So I was so excited because my Nike+ shoes just shipped and I received them today even though they weren't supposed to come until tomorrow and I thought I'd miss them.
So I got the box and tore it open taking pictures along the way...

...but when I whip them out I see that they say "FAST I AM" - LOL - oops!
I went to double check the order online thinking that this may have been the first time I actually made a mistake but that wasn't the case...of course..what was I thinking.

Larry: Hi, my name is Larry. How may I help you?
David: Hey Larry :)
David: I just received my order and the printing on the back of the shoes is backwards
Larry: Hi David
Larry: Oh no. I am sorry to hear this
David: It is supposed to read "I AM" on the left shoe and then "FAST" on the right shoe
Larry: I would be happy to get you a label to return your shoes
Larry: That is clever!
David: It is also a lie. :)
Larry: Ok, what is your order number please?
David: not a big deal and I'd rather not have to return them and wait for new shoes...is their another solution.
Larry: David, I am sorry for the error
Larry: But, you will need to return the shoes.
Larry: Let me take a look at your order!
Larry: I may be able to request a remake
David: no worries...if you could even just discount me for the custom printining I'd be happy with that
Larry: I do apologize but we don't have any policy to discount product due to errors
David: That's too bad. Seems it's more work and money and time for everyone to have to print out a new shoe...
Larry: Yes, I sure do agree
Larry: Would you like me to order a remake?
David: How long will that take?
Larry: Unfortunately same time frame.
David: ...and that's the only option you offer?
Larry: I am afraid so. I can send you a prepaid return label to return your shoes and then have NIKE iD remake them.
David: Can I use them in the meantime
Larry: As long as the shipping date was within the last 30 days
Larry: Sure
Larry: First I really have to look at your order
Larry: May I have your order number??
David: Great! I just received them today and haven't even laced them up but as long as I can use them while the others come then I am happy.
David: Sure...
Larry: Ok, coo
Larry: cool
David: Here is my number -
Larry: thans
Larry: thanks
Larry: Ok, I have requested the label.
Larry: Please allow 24 hours to receive
Larry: I have sent over the request for the remake
Larry: Please allow 4 weeks to recieve
David: Fantastic. I appreciate your time.
Larry: I am sorry about all of this
Larry: You are welcome
Larry: Anything else I can do?
David: No problem...I make plenty of mistakes myself so it's all good. That's all I needed.
Larry: I appreciate it!
Larry: Have a great night and thanks for visiting NIKE iD
ha ha, sounds like a yoda quote...
"Named must your fear be before banish it you can.”
it's like Nike is using Dr. Seuss for inspiration with your shoes! bwahaha.
love it. Good customer service, whodathunk that would make someone's day....? :)
Fast I am sounds pretty cool actually. Nike has the easiest return policy .If your air gel pops at any time, they will accept it as a defect and give you credit for your shoes.
I think you should stay with "Fast I am"... thats way to funny not to keep.
I agree with Steve... you should keep 'Fast, I Am'... it sounds much cuter! ;)
Deyl beat me to it...you got Yoda's Nikes...
I vote for keeping them...they'll be more of a conversation starter than "I AM FAT." (or fast, whatever...) ;)
LOL!!! You MUST keep the Fast I AM shoes! You can start a Nike ID trend ;) Seriously, you should keep them for laughter's sake...and they'll probably keep you humble! :)
Just make sure they wear evenly. Their return policy is not fool proof and 360's are delicate shoes:)
Funny that is... Keep your Yoda shoes you should...hmmm : ) Krystal
Fast I am, Jedi Knight now you are.
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