Then once I got to Texas the arctic blast really hit and now there are 18,000 people here without power and people are sleeping in their cars because they can't find hotels. The airports have been closed and all the flights got cancelled.
The schools are closed - all the restaurants are closed, the roads and airport are closed.
But it is kinda cool because I get to see my friend Megan on TV. She is the weather girl here in San Antonio. We went to college together and worked on all sorts of photo and video projects before she moved to Texas. I'm so proud of her. She was someone who really inspired me and encouraged me to go after my dreams.

DJ - if you need a place to stay, all you have to do is get someone to drive you down here to Austin to stay! My husband and I would love to host you - we make GREAT hot chocolate! :) Stay warm - sorry for such a lame visit.....next time you come to Texas, we'll be sure to have normal weather!
:) Thanks Stacy! I would love to! If I didn't have a flight outta SB on Friday I would totally stick around!
You are by far the most "half-glass-full" person I know. I wish I was half as laid back as you are. Praying for a safe (and timely) flight home.
"If you can find humor in anything, you can survive it."
—Bill Cosby
Hang in there. Sounds like quite an adventure...arctic blast style!
Really? I had no problems finding a room. There is an extra twin full size bed in here - and I'm downtown - if anyone needs it - just e-mail.
ahahaha how about I screwed that all up.... and can't go back and edit it! oh lordy.
LOL OOPS. Its bed time.
Hey David, I wanted to introduce my self. I'm Ricki Ford I am from myrtle beach sc I know this dose'nt have anything to do with your bolg.But dude your showit web ROCKS!!
I launched my website 8 days sgo and I have had over 3500 hits so far(crazy).
Keep up the great work dude.
www.rickiford.com If you will check it out and give me some feed back.
thats awesome you saw megan!
if u don't make it back Paige said she's taking your ticket to Paris :)
haha! What was it you said to me when I was snowed in?! Hmmm.....I believe it was, "sorry you are snowed in...lol...not really....I think it's funny."
Yep, that's a direct quote. :)
Hope you get outta there soon!
Hahaha....crystal....no symphathy from you huh! :) lol
Whoa...DJ...have you been rejecting God's gift of Krispey Kreme lately??? Better fill up on some quick!! LOL
Something is ALWAYS definitely wrong when the temprature goes below 32!! :)
I'm stuck here too. I moved from downtown to the Doubletree by the airport. As far as I know they have plenty of rooms. I got mine on Priceline for $50.
I got a car for $20 too. I'm going to go slide it around on the ice.
- Erik
DJ! it's too bad you're "stranded", but you always make the best of it. I'm so excited that you got to see Megan on TV! I had checked into their station's website a while back to see how/what she was doing these days. it's so fun to see fellow Westmont people become so successful!
hey, it could be worse- this morning when i got up to let my dog out, it was 0 degrees outside... and with the windchill, it was something like -17!!! BRRRRRRR!!!
I'm so sorry you got stuck. I left yesterday and just barely got out. I knew it was something to worry about when they started closing all the roads and schools on MONDAY night before the rain even really started.
Good luck getting out!
Hmmm...bud, with friends like that I'd say the forecast is going to be hot, HOT, HAUT...for some lucky guy...
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