I'm working on breaking out of the year by year mindset and trying to plan my career instead of just my year. To do this I realized that I need large chunks of time to think and plan (my play time) and so I've gotta condense my "work" schedule in order to do that.
You can see where I'll be on my website under the davidjay section.

Very, Very Smart!
Very cool. Reminds me of what I read on Steve Pavlina's blog recently:
"At the start of each new year, in lieu of creating a New Year’s resolution, my tradition is to select an area of primary focus for the coming year."
In fact, Steve's blog is worth bookmarking (if you haven't already). www.stevepavlina.com
I just pray for wisdom.
Then some more! :D
Yeah, plan EVERYTHING before you get married and have kids. 'Cuz after that you learn how things may not go according to your plans!
Wow!! Crazy schedule! Looks like you'll have alot of fun this year:) So excited to see a wedding in Chicago too!
Right on about planning your career! I think it's important to first plan your career and vision THEN plan your year so that you can take those baby steps in accomplishing the big vision:)
YAY! You booked one out here!!:)
Hmmm...I think in business talk that's called "creating a business plan" =)
Sometimes we get too busy to do that, but you HAVE to or you will fail...or just keep doing the same thing each year.
I'm lucky if I can plan just plan a week. ;p
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