The group in Boston was incredible as I mentioned before and I must say that all the groups have been great but Boston had a special energy to them and I really enjoyed them. It was a very special show and it was supposed to be Jasmine's last show but I'm begging her to come out for a couple of the last ones and I think she's gonna do it!

When the tour got moved from July to August b/c Adobe postponed the release of Lightroom it really messed up Jasmine's schedule b/c she had booked weddings for all of August already so she's been speaking all week and then flying home to shoot and flying back out to meetup with the tour! I don't know how she does it!
Special thanks to everyone who brought and sent gifts! For some reason Maybe that's the reason I liked Boston so much - everyone came with gifts! lol - all of you are so sweet! Thank you thank you thank you! Also, super special thanks to my buddy and cofounder of ShowitFast Todd Watson who braved the middle part of the tour (which is always the grind) b/c it was his last show too and so now he's back home with his family. :)
...and go find Shyla and post a video of it to win $500 Showit Bucks! Yea! We didn't hide anybody in NY b/c we were scared for our lives and just needed to get outta dodge :) ... so we're gonna do a riddle for the NYers to win!
Can't wait!!! Only one week left til Orlando!!! MAKE JASMINE COME TO THAT ONE! How fun that will be!
:) Shandon
My palms are already sweaty with excitement! Ewww!
Please, please say Jasmine's coming to Charlotte!! Pleeeeease!
Definitely, bring her back for the other people! She was wicked awesome! She's a great inspiration and teacher, and I think her energy and style really added to the tour for me!
Oh my gosh... Jasmine HAS to do the rest of the tour! You two were an incredible team!
Got you Shyla :)
We almost hit the Airport cause a few of the signs. Had to pause the video and google several of those businesses before we realized you were on the other side of the river not over the river at the airport.
Ya I took us 2hrs 45min with 2 kids to get there and back cause of the Traffic today ;) Video on our blog.
This is totally unrelated to the post but.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Glad that Boston was a successful stop!!
HAPPY B-DAY DJ ;) You Rock!!!
Yes I can't wait until you come to Orlando less than a week away! When I saw that Jasmine wasn't going to be there I was almost about to try to fly home to phoenix for that conference instead but I figured save the air fare what the heck becuase I know you'll have other great speakers even if it isn't Jasmine Star! :) Happy Birthday by the way!!! Hope it's as amazing as you are! :)
OK DJ - you promised you would video Jasmine in Chicago so that us in Salt Lake could see he speak. Any changes of that still happening. That would be awesome!!
i can't believe it is only 2 more days until the orlando show !!! i am soooo excited !!! did you get jasmine to say yes for orlando ?!?!?! that would be amazing !!!! either way , i am so excited for the wealth of info you are about to unload on us here in orlando !!! see you thursday !!!! :)
terri z
oops , i forgot ......
happy birthday
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